View Full Version : Night Rating

25th Oct 2002, 02:17
Can anyone please confirm if you hold a FAA PPL and have 5 hours of night with no night rating would that be ok to start a Modular course CPL/IR

Thanks Again

25th Oct 2002, 15:20
To start a JAR CPL modular course then you need 100 hours P1 and 200 hours TT for licence issue (the 25 hour course counts toward this) GID 24 states you also need 5 hours at night, 3 hours dual minimum 1 of which is crosscountry dual, 2 solo and 5 stop and go'es, e.g this is the night rating requirements but you need not have the rating issued. Note under JAR you only get 'night rating priveledges' removed from your CPL when that is issued, there is no night rating as such.

25th Oct 2002, 19:54
Thanks for your help Juggernaut I have the TT so I should be ok then?

FLY 172

25th Oct 2002, 20:43
Errrr, dont you need a JAA PPL as well??? Or can you go straight into CPL?