View Full Version : Free Uk-aip Gone?

David Balchin
21st Oct 2002, 14:14
I had some time ago found that I could download for free the UK AIP (includes all airport info. and SIDs, STARs, ILS approach plates etc) which was very useful, especially for shotting IFR on flight sim.

the weblink was :[URL=http://www.ais.org.uk/uk_aip/pdf/ad/aipad2.pdf]
but no more.

Now you can buy it on disc from Documedia, (the CAA's printers)
on CD-ROM but it costs £75.00!!!!! (aaaaawwwwuch!):eek:

Dose any body know if you can still get the AIP free some where
on the net ? or has it gone for good?:confused:

21st Oct 2002, 14:38
The AIP is still available on-line, from www.ais.org.uk - except you need to register now. You have already registered, haven't you? No? Well, how do you get your NOTAMs then, since they now come from the same sight? :)

I'm not sure if all the information you want is still on-line. I tried logging in to check, but the site is running very s..l..o..w..l..y at the moment, and I gave up waiting! Hope that's useful, though.


David Balchin
21st Oct 2002, 15:03
Yessss! Well done!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :)
Notams... I get from the board that says 'NOTAMS' on it! (but I never got NOTAM to read em! (joke....sorry....em....I'll get my coat shall I?))