View Full Version : RN Fast Jet Jobs Ad.

17th Oct 2002, 08:53
Interesting....with SHAR about to become SHAR SHAR A GO GO why are the RN advertising for graduates to join as trainee fast jet jockeys in mags such as Maxim and FHM? Any neddies here with an idea of the plan?

WE Branch Fanatic
17th Oct 2002, 10:47
1. See the SHAR threads (also ones relating to the CVF and F35)
2. The RN is going to have a problem manning the F35. This was true before the SHAR decision, and the moving to RAF bases.didn't help retention, so they looked at keeping them at Yeovilton*. Then the Government decided.........
3. The RN will desperately try to persude the MOD to reconsider the idea of losing the Sea Harrier before the F35 is ready.
4. What's a neddy?

* According to a Journo (sort of) mate.

Also it is an advert for the Navy per se.

17th Oct 2002, 11:22
Take cover!

17th Oct 2002, 11:47
Although the SHAR is going, the FAA still requires pilots to man the two squadrons of Harrier GR 7/9s that will replace the SHAR.

One RAF GR 7/9 squadron will disappear, leaving JFH with 2 RAF and two RN Harrier squadrons. All four squadrons will have pilots drawn from both services: the FAA units (presumably 800 and 801 NAS) will be dark-blue 'heavy' and the RAF units (surprise, surprise) will be light-blue 'heavy'.

So - in answer to the question, it actually has little to with points 1-3 of WEBF's posting (although there is some relevance, granted) , and everything to do with the fact that the FAA is still going to be flying fixed wing aircraft after the SHAR goes (and before JSF joins the party).

28th Oct 2002, 22:21
1. To be honest, they are now attempting to recruit non-graduates rather than our educated bretheren due to them passing out of the system as 28-29 yr old pilots with promotion issues, instead they want 24 yr olds who can just do a couple of tours without worrying about their careers!

2. The front line shar force still needs as many as they can get.

Barn Doors
30th Oct 2002, 08:18
Most guys and girls are getting onto the Front Line at the age of 25 these days, but they have also been to University. The not too distant era of 29 yr olds on first tours are something we shouldnt see much of in future (unless your are a creamie)

30th Oct 2002, 08:51
wish I knew all this in 1987