View Full Version : Mickey Rooney Where Are You?

No Ta Bloke
16th Oct 2002, 23:39
Has anyone seen the individual formerley known to his colleagues as Mickey Rooney?

Last seen heading off into the big blue yonder to seek his fortune.

Please post any sightings on this post.


17th Oct 2002, 14:07
I take it you mean the ex-RAF Mickey Rooney.If so, I saw him a good few months ago 'connying' at Monarchs, Luton. He is doing alright for himself and earning tooooo much money. Sorry I don't have anymore gen than that:D :D

No Ta Bloke
17th Oct 2002, 16:13
Sorry guin, should have been a little bit more precise, just like my good old QHI used to tell me after an IRT.

The Mickey Rooney that I am refering to is ex- AAC.

His last place of work, or should I call that studying for the licences, was "Sumo Flight" at Dishcloth.


Chicken Leg
19th Oct 2002, 08:52
Mickey is currently an FO with GB Airways flying out of Gatwick. If you email your contact details to me at [email protected] I’ll pass them on.

21st Oct 2002, 13:44
Didn't he score a cracker for Everton against Arsenal on Saturday?

Shame the gooners couldn't handle the pressure after the mighty reds beat Leeds - up the 'pool!

:D :D :D