View Full Version : Sexually Transmitted offences

Anton Meyer
16th Oct 2002, 14:29
I heard that there are record numbers of troops and gro-bags being airlifted from overseas with clap-like symptoms.

Such is the extent of the problem that there is talk of tactical clap nurses going out on the detachments to try and keep the numbers of casualties down.

If sunburn is a chargeable offence, surely this should be a CM offence.

Any thoughts?


16th Oct 2002, 21:15
Its a bit like the "two can" rule! Impossible to police!

Squaddies will be squaddies!

Solution could be to dish out free condoms (very well received in kenya).

Or the old "have a look at this Piccy" travelling nastiness roadshow perhaps!


16th Oct 2002, 22:00
I heard this, and tried to check. I don't have a definitive answer, though I think I believe the medic who told me that the percentile involved (STD cases as a percentage of troops deployed) is actually very very small, and lower than during previous times of major deployment, although given the areas involved a higher proportional incidence of STDs was expected.

He had heard of NO growbag-wearing cases....

Wappy Tupper
16th Oct 2002, 22:23
Any statement that starts with 'I heard that...' carries no weight and should be treated with utter contempt. Yet another journo, probably.

fat albert
16th Oct 2002, 23:07
It's all true.

After all the military kit clogged up with sand and stopped working there was nothing to do but have sex. Unfortunately all that equipment eventually got clogged up with sand too and then became infected. Sad but true.

No gro-bags were infected as we are far too discerning. And ugly.

17th Oct 2002, 00:50
Once upon a time, many years ago, there used to be a little room behind the guardroom where, on returning from a night out, one was supposed to treat oneself, if one then got 'clap' it was considered an offence.
Eventually it dawned on the powers that be that even a good scrub behind the guardroom would not stop some of the more virulent strains of 'clap' so the rooms were closed and, I believe, it ceased to be an offence just so long as one went sick at the first signs. It wasn't an offence in 1959 onwards, I do know.

Sunbathing is optional and unnecessary where as sex is essential!:D

17th Oct 2002, 14:16
Something I'm not proud of, but I once thought I caught 'something' from a young Belfast lass a few years back, so I merrily marched off to the GU department of MPH, which at the time was at the top of the stairs. On reaching the top of these particular stairs, I was greeted by a long line of chairs, each filled with some grim and uneasy looking squaddies. One by one we marched in to see a Sgt RAMC, who on my visit, inserted a 'long' glass rod up my 'short' dangly thingy, and this which was then taken away for analysis for beasties. :eek:

I asked him if I would be reported to the Boss, and he said that was an 'old Pad's wives tale'. It's a medical complaint, hence it's personal and 'Staff-In-Confidence'.

Hope that clears things up (clear things up...get it ??) :D

After note: I had a mild dose of thrush. Lots of scratching and rubbing, plus no seeeex for a few weeks. :rolleyes:

Anton Meyer
17th Oct 2002, 14:30
Wappy Tupper,

I am most certainly NOT a journalist.

Remember what they (probably) told you at Sandhurst, NEVER assume...

I ask the question because some guys were talking about an OOA det and that was part of the medical brief.


Rude Kid
21st Oct 2002, 09:36
As a matter of fact each non-commissioned male is still entitled to 1 free condom a day. Maybe the quacks have forgotten that.

When I was at Lossie in '86 the SWO (Eileen Beasley) drew the backlog of unisssued condoms and positioned boxes of them in the WRAF block. Perhaps a more enlightened approach such as this would produce a reduction in cases, rather than the 1914-18 style Officers' sabre-rattling about Courts Martial and other such obsolete crap!

fat albert
21st Oct 2002, 10:57
I know a few Sexually Transmitted Offences - how they ever got in the RAF I'll never know.....

23rd Oct 2002, 17:56
back in the mid 80's we used condoms in the runway caravan. believe it or not we put them over the very pistols to stop the cardboard casing on the cartridges getting soaked! but on the subject of the clap and other such nasties it is an offence not to go and see the medics if you have or suspect you have a dose.

Vortex what...ouch!
24th Oct 2002, 09:08
As I understood it medical records are Medical-in-Confidence not Staff-in-Confidence. No one but medical personnel can see them and that is final. So how can something that only medical personnel see become an offence? Or does the military think themselves unaccountable, again?

24th Oct 2002, 22:48
On leaving the MO's office one might expect to get a Doctor's Note to show to a higher authority, back in the days when catching VD was an offence, if said note had on it 'Head Cold', all would have been OK, had the note said 'Clap' then the powers that be would take action. The records are Medical-in-Confidence but not the sick note.

Anyone out there old enough to remeber the Smirnoff adverts?

The one I liked was:
"I thought Clap was a round of applause and then I discovered Smirnoff!".;)

25th Oct 2002, 10:43
The above post reminds me of another advert, think it went something like this :-

"Bottom falling out of your world ?

Drink Warninks Advocaat and let the world fall out of your bottom"

I'm sure that was a genuine advert, answers on a postcard please.....

Going back to the MPH thing I seem to remeber that the GU reception shared the same seating as the NAAFI canteen so at least you had a large audience when your name was called..... I was just escorting someone else.....honest

25th Oct 2002, 11:43
I thought Wan King was in China until I discovered Smirnoff !!!

Oh, how we laughed.:rolleyes:

26th Oct 2002, 01:02
Blue Eagle speaks like a man with inside knowledge....like maybe first hand involvement......" I know!" says he! Way things are going ....could well be a new gong...."VD with Scar" !

26th Oct 2002, 10:17
Nah - best I ever managed was a dose of crabs!:o

29th Oct 2002, 04:17
I recall the 'in' brief on a deployment to Canada. This included the 'nasty' slide show, and an exhortation to use the free condom issue at the guardroom on booking out of camp. Some wag labelled the box there with 'One for one exchange'!

Mind you, some of the local talent was living proof of what red indians used to do to buffalos...