View Full Version : Future of Falkland Is Dets!

15th Oct 2002, 18:53
Heard on the rather large grapevine earlier today that they are looking at making the Falklands F3 commitment one for individual sqns and doing away with 1435 Flt that are down there at present. Thus, having to take on the task like Colt do out in Incirlik on RESINATE (NORTH).

Anyone got any further info?????

15th Oct 2002, 19:08
I think the change is to allow an operational wing to man the FIs while the other is sorting out our other commitments in the Desert. In real terms there is no difference in the amount of time spent down there but it makes it easier for the Sqns and Wings to coordinate their crews.

It would be nice if the F3s had some respite from this major commitment - maybe the GR7s could do the AD job down there (as they always claim they can at CQWI courses).

15th Oct 2002, 20:13
...and what 'AD job' would that be??

15th Oct 2002, 21:19
Didn't know the GR7 did Air Despatch???? Is there no end to the talents of our erstwhile mud moving mates

15th Oct 2002, 21:35
Thats what he meant by AD. About time the fast jet boys started to deliver the rations and water by air. After all they have been installing instant central heating for the Army for years!! (SNEB's etc)

It begs the question once again, "Is the commitment really needed these days?"

Since we have now become world police with Dubya we really ought to start scaling down somewhere?