View Full Version : Fighter Controllers

alpha control
14th Oct 2002, 21:19
Whats your opinion on the current standard of GCI in the UK. As a recently qualified controller any constructive comments would be greatly accepted.

left one o clock
15th Oct 2002, 08:27

15th Oct 2002, 19:01
The quality of FC in the UK varies widely in my experience. There are many situations where there is too much information delivered in a confusing way (7 groups - first 270/10 - no factor...) and other times when the picture building comm is excellent.

The flying crews have a lot to answer for and it's usually difficult to give a decent debrief to the controllers. When we do get a chance it's usually rushed and not particularly constructive. I strongly suggest there needs to be more liaison between crews and FCs both before and after a sortie and FCs need to attend sqn debriefs to see examples of good and bad control. We have a thorough debrief on the sqn after every sortie and need to make sure all the lessons learnt are learnt by all players. A FC or two on each sqn controlling from the station would be the best solution.

left one o clock
16th Oct 2002, 09:15
It's been done mate, at various times over the past 20 years or so. Fc's did, and I believe occasionally still do, attend the QWI course, after which they did a tour on an AD Sqn. To be frank, the impact was minimal.
The best FCs in the UK are E3 mates. No I'm not one.:)

16th Oct 2002, 18:09
FC's have been attached to RN Fighter Squadrons for many many years, I was until recently one of them. Working day in day out with aircrew, briefing, debriefing and watching and listening to tapes is a major factor in improving the quality of control. The position of "Squadron D", as they are known on 899, 800, 801 are very well sought after appointments amongst RN FC's.

The problem for the RAF is its very difficult for the boys an girls down the bunkers to talk with the aircrew I should imagine, and they have lots of squadrons, with different needs, to provide GCI for. Up to you guys/girls down the bunkers to comment on your side of things.

The E3 guys were generally very good in my experience and always very helpful when I worked with them, remember they have some nice equipment and radar to work with, not always the case for ground based or ship based GCI.

My top tips Alpha Control - develop good comm cadence and read the tactical manuals, and take every opportunity to visit the ACMI and talk to the aircrew. Also take your time, I have seen people jump in to hard to early and do 8 v 16 when they are not ready for it and its taken a very long time for them to get their confidence back. Take it a step at a time if you can, 2v2, 4v4, 4v8 etc.

Good luck
Fox 3 shooters rule