View Full Version : Monarch scheduled expands in MAN

11th Oct 2002, 16:13
monarch website (http://www.flymonarch.com/news/item.asp?headlineID=126)

Buster the Bear
11th Oct 2002, 19:29
I told you all this months ago.

Start listening to bears, and start feeding them more!

So the Luton schedule remains the same for 2003. SHAME!!!!!

So is the extra capacity at Manch in excess, or instead of 2002 summer op's?

My guess is the latter, but who knows, bears dont!

Monarch, Manch only low cost airline, reminds me of times locally 5-10 years ago.

Now the world is Orange, or will there be a re-branding of both Go and easy now?

Fly London-Whipsnade, then I can steal your lunch! The local steam train goes round, and round, and round, and round in circles. A bit like being in the Bovingdon, or Lorel stack!

Anyway, why do Luton not use BNN as an inbound hold? After all, the planes bound for London's greatest airport are half empty and pay the same charges as jets flying around the Lorel hold that are full!!!!!

Inequity again, the bears at London zoo are loved so much more traditionally!

14th Oct 2002, 12:07
Hmmm ... has somebody been doctoring your honey and marmalade sandwiches Buster?

... or maybe your nuts!!!!:D :D :D

14th Oct 2002, 17:31
2 new Spotty M 321's next year to the fleet, with nothing leaving, so has to be increase!