View Full Version : Pay Spine and the AAC

Sloppy Link
10th Oct 2002, 19:54
Caught sight of the broad outline ref the above today. Looks good for us, especially NCO's. Virtually automatic upon second tranche of LSL(A), for LE's virtually automatic upon getting SRC(LE). Bit trickier for DE officers but they always have the opportunity to go back into the promotion rat race. All has to be ratified by the AFPRB yet, so stand by.....

12th Oct 2002, 14:55
I'll believe it when I see it in black and white with my own eyes. Even then, I will be more suspicious than Goldilocks after clue number 3.

12th Oct 2002, 18:56

Why do NCO's have to wait until 2nd lot of LSL? Surely to be fair it should be given upon successful move from Reg to LSL!

:( :mad: :(

Muff Coupling
12th Oct 2002, 20:17

I have had the opportunity to monitor your (the AAC) policy on PA Spine (you are calling it Pilot Employment Stream (Army) ). I think you will find the policy has been drawn up to be as equitable across all 3 pilot employments, DE, LE and NCO. It is aimed at retaining the 38 - 42/43 age brackets of all 3 services. Bear in mind, that we, the other 2 services do not have NCO pilots to account for, so any chance for Army NCOs to get it, must be good news.

Your LE officers IPP moves to the right 5 years on commission and as Sloppy Link states, PES (A) will be automatic consideration on selection for SRC LE, this can be (subject to selection) about 4-6 years after start of SSC. Add 5 RTS for 1 x tranche of PES A and they will have to be 45 or under (age 50 limit for SRC LE). Clearly, a disadvantage dependent upon act of birth and date of commission.

If your NCOs got it at IPP (22 yr) + 5 yr RTS for 1 x tranche of PES A, there would be no incentive to uptake LE. I have no doubt therefore, that competition to serve on will be fierce in the next couple of years.

Do not forget this is a RETENTION incentive, not a gravity shift in PENSIONS, that is a seperate issue. PES A allows pilots to accumulate periods on the spine where add pay (soon to be spec pay) counts toward final pension. You can jump on and off the Spine and this will probably be the case for your DE officers as they move around to desk jobs. Also bear in mind all spines will be capped once you are assymilated based upon daily pay + current flying pay. For your NCOs at IPP +, this will probably be enhanced rate.

With the Armys NECSt stalled, your PES A policy for NCOs will offer employment out to 50 and the chance to go with approx a Sqn Ldrs wedge. Not bad.

Do not spend to much effort knocking this initiative, I think you will find there are going to be some envious other Arms & Services out there!

Chicken Leg
15th Oct 2002, 14:00
I am surprised that some consider this to be a good deal for retention, especially for NCO Aircrew. An NCO has to wait until their second tranche of LSL (A), in other words age 45 at the earliest. How many of those that want to leave the services haven’t already done so at age 45? Likewise for LE commissions. They don’t qualify until they transfer to Special Regular and DE Officers must wait until IPP plus 5 i.e. age 43 at the earliest. These people aren’t going to leave anyway! In other words we’re paying people more to do what they were going to do anyway - Stay. I don’t begrudge them the money, fair play to them. But it is hardly a retention solution. The retention problem across all three services lies with individuals in their early thirties. Not yet in the pension trap and still young enough to offer a potential 25 year career to someone else. Will the promise of an enhanced pension after a further 15 - 20 years service (including the minimum 5 year return once on PA Spine) keep the people who are considering jumping ship? We shall see.

15th Oct 2002, 19:55
