View Full Version : Britannia D/E Selection Day

8th Oct 2002, 20:23
Does anyone know what's invlolved in Britannia's direct entry selection day at EMA? Haven't heard if I'm going yet, but wondering what I should be brushing up on if I get called.
I understand it is a full days selection procedure, with Psychometric testing, group exercises and an opportunity for the candidates to find out more about Britannia.

Are the psychometric tests similar to BA's? Does it include mental arithmetic etc. and is there an aircraft technical paper, or is that tested during the interview?
Thanks a lot.

11th Oct 2002, 05:45
From memory (!)

Get yourself an 'O' level maths revision book - manipulating fractions and long division in particular.

The language comprehension tests were surprisingly difficult - you have to draw inferences from various statements, not really sure how you'd revise for these.

Good luck. email me if you need more info.