View Full Version : Questions about FalconEx Operations...

6th Oct 2002, 09:04
Hi All,

I have a few questions for those of you at Falcon Express, and those of you who know a bit about the company.

In January of this year, one of the FC pilots who conducted my PPL flight test was in training, or may have just completed his training on the ATR 42. However I believe he was flying in the right seat with Farnair Captains flying the left. Are the FC pilots now in the left seat?

Is there a second ATR now at FC?

What routes do the ATR's fly?

I understand that the airline has 5 scheduled destinations, although I may be wrong. Al Kharj, Riyadh, Bahrain, Doha and Jeddah. I would think that the ATR is limited to only one or two of those destinations. Maybe Jeddah as it is the furthest.

Has the ATR been painted in full FC colours? When I last saw it in the EAS hangar back in January, it was looking very smart in the purple/red stripes with the purple tail, however it did not have any FC titles.

Is there any news of the 1900s getting a bit of a paint job? Last time I saw them they were badly in need of one.

I understand that the US use, or have used Al Kharj as a base in Saudi. Does FC operate into Al Kharj partly as a service to the US military?

Thanks for any replies



Hector the Farmer
8th Oct 2002, 04:44
Your last question is very suspicious!!

8th Oct 2002, 04:58

I don't see how it is suspicious. I didn't mean it to sound like that. I saw that FC flights operate into Al Kharj quite frequently. Not having heard of the airfield, I ran a search to find out more in formation. I learnt that it was a military run airfield, and found the following BBC article.

BBC Al Kharj (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/1568927.stm)

I just wandered if FECA flies there to bring some supplies.



Baba Papa
8th Oct 2002, 07:54
Surprise, surprise, yet another Falcon thread!!!
Put it this way C-C if you have a UAE PPL and you did your check ride at the aeroclub, you can answer the aircraft and 'paint job' questions yourself every time you go flying. Regarding the other info, there's no way any self-respecting/professional Falcon Pilot would talk about sensitive info like that...for once and only this once, I'm going to agree with Hector the Farmer..very suspicious indeed!!

Hector the Farmer
8th Oct 2002, 17:26
Thanks BP. I'm a little concerned about this one.

8th Oct 2002, 21:26
It does seem a bit specific. As you said, pilots would never in their right minds give out aviation like that.

8th Oct 2002, 21:40

I appologise if I caught a sensitive subject. On the subject on the aircraft and routes, we have since relocated back to the UK and I have not been in Dubai for months. Therefore I was just wandering how the airline was getting on as far as the aircraft go.

On the military subject, I thought it was a harmless subject. Airlines such as ATA and North American make their military support operations very public, largly due to the large revenue that comes with it. I was just curious of why they would operate to Al Kharj because I had never heard of the airfield before.

I am new to the forum and was just wanting to keep up to date with operations of the Middle East carriers. Again, I appologise if I hit a nerve, and will think a bit more when posting a topic such as this.



Surfin Merv
10th Oct 2002, 13:55

Why bother asking irrelevent questions and what purpose would it serve to get an answer?????????
