View Full Version : PPL Medical at EGKK

airbus wannabe
26th Jan 2001, 12:20
Hi ya'll. As you may know, i passed my PPL (a) class 2 med at the post house, egkk yesterday (thursday). At 1:15, i arrived, had to fill out the form with info etc. Then, to begin the test, have a urine sample (lucky i was desperate - lol) and then went in to meet the doctor. I had a series of eye tests, reflexes, and an ECG as this is apparently necerssary on the 'initial' med! I had to be checked for heart rate on the ECG 4 times (which is common, not coz he was worried bout me) and he then took a blood sample. No, i didn't pass out!
He filled out the form, and that was that. Now , all i need to do is save like hell for my PPL in canada, victoria BC this July/aug and i'll be PPL holder at 16 (i am getting a provisional/preliminary license till they post my real PPL through the post to me in UK!
Smooth skies,
Dan :)
P.s - If FLYBOY reads thuis, can you respond as i would like to expand what you said in your response to my quaetion about my heart sister!
Many thanks :)

beaver eager
26th Jan 2001, 12:33
Good luck with it all.

Just a thought though... Shouldn't you have got a class one medical straight away? Or is there a lower age limit for class ones?

It would be a bit grim to find out you were medically prohibited from driving airbuses AFTER you'd already thrown lots of money at it!

Keep it up!

26th Jan 2001, 13:37
Wishing you all the very best for the future. It's a GREAT profession to be in. I'm just coming up to 34yrs of commercial flying and still loving every minute of it.