View Full Version : flybe wins major award

10th Sep 2002, 12:58
Newly re-branded airline flybe (aka British European, formerly Jersey European) has been voted 'Best Shorthaul Airline 2002' by the Institute of Travel Management. In a year long study done worldwide on shorthaul carriers (it says here) - looking at a
range of factors flybe. came out top and is due to receive the award at a dinner in London next week. The Insititute of Travel Management are also due to give out annual awards for other categories including best long haul airline, train, ferry, car etc.

I wonder who got best long haul.. and is there a category for Low Cost- somehow I doubt it!

I guess the real good news here is that there is clearly room for a product that is not "cheap and cheerful" (well, more cheap than cheerful really).

Good on you, flybe!

10th Sep 2002, 13:27
Whilst I am pleased that it is the small boys in the market that are winning awards I cannot help but wonder what qualities the voters decide on before awarding these titles. Having flown with BE over the past few months I can honestly say there are better shorthaul airlines out ther (sorry folks). I have had nothing but delays too and from Jersey and Isle of Man of late, and not short ones either. Maybe time to let the SLF vote as to who they favour and not insiders who may or maynot have been swayed to vote a certain way.

Still all credit for "gaining" this title:rolleyes:

10th Sep 2002, 16:35
Used to work for JEA and am still in touch with the peeps there, nothing has changed. How the hell did they manage this?! The crews and ground staff are brilliant people, they run the company despite the management not because of it. Unfortunately the ******s in Exeter will take all the credit and the people who deserve it will probably get a creepy letter telling them how grateful the well paid incompetants are! Well done guys and gals.

Young Paul
10th Sep 2002, 17:20
Hmm. Whilst I'm in an airline that has benefitted from awards, I'm with Woody Allen in thinking too many awards by too many organisations are given for too little. "Award for best fascist dictator - Adolf Hitler." Annie Hall

Tower Ranger
10th Sep 2002, 21:16
I agree exellent crews from my side of the fence but surely they must also being in the running for the"Most Tech Planes in a Day" award?