View Full Version : BMI Aircraft Request

7th Sep 2002, 22:51
I was just wondering if anyone could tell me (maybe nearer the time) which aircraft will be operating these flights:

18 September BD016 LHR -> GLA
18 September BD015 GLA -> LHR


Leon :D

Little Blue
8th Sep 2002, 07:29
Here goes....
BD16 planned on 320
BD15 planned on 733
but you know how the big picture

8th Sep 2002, 13:36
The US hijackers asked questions like that too... Why do you want to know?

Little Blue
8th Sep 2002, 13:46
Call me a cynic, if you will, but I always take people at face value..
I cannot see the harm in asking or replying to such an innocent question.
Maybe we're all getting a little edgy at the minute !?

9th Sep 2002, 15:08
I am just curious to know what I will be travelling on. That doesn't automatically make me a terrorist! :rolleyes:

Is there a way of findind out which specific aircraft will operate each flight, maybe a little nearer the time?



10th Sep 2002, 14:47
I checked Leon's profile (which could be bull) as well as his previous posts as I had similar misgivings to yourself.
If Special Branch watches this forum as they probably do, I would expect this pax/flight receives a coat of looking at.
Hope so.

Scottie Dog
10th Sep 2002, 16:45
What is so secretive about the type of aircraft being operated on a specfic route? A passenger has a right to know what he is flying in.

Look in any CRS/GDS system and you will soon find the answer. Phone the airline's reservations department and they will tell you.

I agree that it would be diplomatic to refuse exact advice as to the specific aircraft due to operate the flight - you will probably even find that airlines themselves are often uncertain due to equipment going tech etc!

Have a good day/evening or whatever.


Scottie Dog

12th Sep 2002, 09:37
;) and remember scottie son I know where you live.

Hows the Scud,

Best Rds K.I.L.