View Full Version : S/Air BFS

Stand Clear
6th Sep 2002, 19:47
Anybody have any idea what is happening at BFS with Servisair at the moment. They apparently have already paid off the majority of there summer staff already (unheard of in August) and there is a possibility of redundancies among the permanent staff. I know they have not got the new My Travel Lite or BMI baby contract have also heard that from the 26 october they lose the existing BMI contract for the ramp staff. What a Bummer!!!! Anyone heard anything else or know any other info??????
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Tower Ranger
6th Sep 2002, 21:04
As well as losing out to Aviance(Reed) on these contracts they also lost some of their charters to them and there may be more to follow next summer.

Although the handling of EASY/GO after March 2003 has not been officially been decided you couldn`t really bet against Aviance keeping it,or would?

6th Sep 2002, 21:54
Yeah S/air BFS is having a bad time at the min. They've just lost 35 flights aweeks to Easyjet because of the duplicate routes between BFS/GLA/EDI. So they let the most of the summer staff go. Apparently they are now short staffed as regards Ramp Traffic and Pax Services that the staff are now trying to check in flights board them and dispatch them all at the same (hey just split yourself into 2 people). Sometimes meaning the dipatcher running between two aircraft at once. Have one little delay and everything goes apes**t. Howz that gonna secure new tenders next summer if the existing airlines are going to suffer?????????????????????????

8th Sep 2002, 01:24
does anyone at sair give a f___

8th Sep 2002, 15:46
Berkeley Red

You might find that some do. Some actually enjoy their job at the airport. When it comes down to it their job is on the line.
I'm sure a some of the staff have been there for quite a few years. It's not the employees its the management as usual. Really do you think if the worst happens S/Air are gonna make sure they get a nice little settlement. I don't think so!!!!

10th Sep 2002, 14:14
Now let me think, Why have Servisair paid off their Summer Staff mmmmmm! Could it be they have lost flights. Ah yes there you have it. The thing about Pprune is not necessarily what is said but the way it is said, yes it is unheard of to pay off the summer staff in August but when has the market been like this before. Not only have they got 9/11 to contend with but also Aviance who are quite rightly competing for any business thats going. Servisair always operate with too few staff (as someone I once knew would have said 'nature of the beast, son') they like Aviance are not paid a fortune for their services and they all have to make ends meet and if that means 1 dispatcher to 2 flights once in a while then so be it.
If it was up to Servisair they would increase their charges by 100%, employ more staff and give them all a pay rise but guess what, life's not like that.

10th Sep 2002, 20:28

What planet are you on by the way?????????

11th Sep 2002, 07:23
The same planet as you - duh!

11th Sep 2002, 12:25
Is it not true that a small airline that likes to paint its aircraft orange have still to decide who there handling agent is going to be!

Its not over till the orange lady sings........

Tower Ranger
11th Sep 2002, 22:33
Bel Hold

You not bet against her starting at the beginning of the alphabet though would you?

13th Sep 2002, 07:12
Yes but where will 'she' finish!!!

15th Sep 2002, 00:10
have sevisair won back the paper contract

dairy milk
17th Sep 2002, 18:08
Nop! They have been given it,
Emerald were not paying up or not paying up enough, and now that Streamline has become part of Emerald, Aviance will only handle papers which do not arrive with Emerald/Streamline

Aah!! what will i do this Sat nite?
Good Luck!!