View Full Version : Routes over trouble areas

30th Jun 2024, 22:24
Hi folks,
I have noticed one airline in particular using a route to Mumbai that has a pretty significant portion over Afghanistan. I know that the airline will have done all due diligence before operating the route but I would find this a tad troubling if i had to fly it and wanted to ask people’s take on overflying trouble areas. Firstly, I believe Afghanistan is all Class G airspace and no controlling infrastructure. I imagine diversion into any Afghan airport even in an emergency is probably not a good idea, so you’re using a route with a real paucity of suitable diversions. There are also warnings about flying below FL320 (I think) in that part of the world, which is really concerning. Does anyone have experience of using this airspace in airliners? And is there any room for a captain to ask the company/ops for different routes or would that be an outrage?

1st Jul 2024, 06:22
Not sure of the current situation but Afghan overflight has had its complications and involved special considerations for years, even when there was some form of ATC in place…

As for the lack of quickly available suitable alternates - that’s a fact of Long Haul life when you fly over many parts of the world, not just the oceans.

As long as the planned route means you are compliant with whatever rule set you can operate to (e.g. no more than 180 minutes in one engine from the nearest suitable and available airport ) then you don’t really have a case for demanding the company send you by another route.

2nd Jul 2024, 12:06
No, I suppose you're right, in regard to alternates it's no different to flying over the Atlantic really. Thanks wiggy.