View Full Version : Doncaster Airport ATZ and airspace

28th Jun 2024, 10:43
I've heard that the local council is making steps to re-open DSA.
Does anyone know if the Airspace was officially removed, or just 'deactivated'?
ie will there need to be a whole new ACP take place?
The Class D that was there really was a pain for general aviation given the proximity of Humberside and all the Lincolnshire MATZs to the East.

28th Jun 2024, 10:55
The official answer from our data provider (Jeppesen) is that the airspace related to Doncaster Sheffield has been removed since cycle 2402 due to UK AIP SUP 17/24. The airport (EGCN) will remain as it is still being published in the AIP, including related AD information and procedure charts

EG_Sup_2024_017_en.pdf (ead-it.com) (https://nats-uk.ead-it.com/cms-nats/export/sites/default/en/Publications/aip-supplements/EG_Sup_2024_017_en.pdf)

28th Jun 2024, 10:57
I've heard that the local council is making steps to re-open DSA.
Does anyone know if the Airspace was officially removed, or just 'deactivated'?
ie will there need to be a whole new ACP take place?
The Class D that was there really was a pain for general aviation given the proximity of Humberside and all the Lincolnshire MATZs to the East.

As there is no Certificated Aerodrome in operation the airspace (ATZ and any CAS) is removed. Restoration of the ATZ will be tied to any application for a new Aerodrome Certificate and any CAS the subject of a new ACP.

28th Jun 2024, 11:43
I've heard that the local council is making steps to re-open DSA.
Does anyone know if the Airspace was officially removed, or just 'deactivated'?
ie will there need to be a whole new ACP take place?
The Class D that was there really was a pain for general aviation given the proximity of Humberside and all the Lincolnshire MATZs to the East.

I've often wondered why GA find a MATZ so difficult to deal with, especially since most are very quiet or dead. As far as I'm aware for civilian aircraft, no rules apply or permissions required to enter. A civilian aircraft is not required to talk to anyone, at any time and so called 'MATZ penetration permission' is a figment of the Military controllers imagination.
The ATZ on the other hand is an altogether different matter.

28th Jun 2024, 19:50
The official answer from our data provider (Jeppesen) is that the airspace related to Doncaster Sheffield has been removed since cycle 2402 due to UK AIP SUP 17/24. The airport (EGCN) will remain as it is still being published in the AIP, including related AD information and procedure charts

EG_Sup_2024_017_en.pdf (ead-it.com) (https://nats-uk.ead-it.com/cms-nats/export/sites/default/en/Publications/aip-supplements/EG_Sup_2024_017_en.pdf)

Despite which the Doncaster Class D airspace remains on the current CAA 1:500,000 Chart

29th Jun 2024, 08:39
I've often wondered why GA find a MATZ so difficult to deal with, especially since most are very quiet or dead. As far as I'm aware for civilian aircraft, no rules apply or permissions required to enter. A civilian aircraft is not required to talk to anyone, at any time and so called 'MATZ penetration permission' is a figment of the Military controllers imagination.
The ATZ on the other hand is an altogether different matter.

It's not difficult, just a hassle. I understand that permission isn't needed and yes, at a weekend the MATZs are usually very quiet. However being currently based at and flying out of one of them, during the week it's a different matter. Hanging around in one (a thermaling glider for example) without telling someone you're there is eroding a fair bit of the safety margin they are there to provide, albeit totally permissible.
The reintroduction of DSA airspace would just funnel all the GA traffic heading North to South through a small bottleneck

29th Jun 2024, 21:07
It's not difficult, just a hassle. I understand that permission isn't needed and yes, at a weekend the MATZs are usually very quiet. However being currently based at and flying out of one of them, during the week it's a different matter. Hanging around in one (a thermaling glider for example) without telling someone you're there is eroding a fair bit of the safety margin they are there to provide, albeit totally permissible.
The reintroduction of DSA airspace would just funnel all the GA traffic heading North to South through a small bottleneck

Well it didn’t beforehand, and I don’t see why it would now. Scampton is closed, the nearest MATZ is now Waddington or Leeming. So the old DSA airspace didn’t give big problems with MATZ traffic avoidance and if reinstated even less so now. Anyone wanting to cross DSA had to do was give a call and ask for a zone transit with a basic service. I never heard of anyone being refused one and DSA had to provide data to the CAA to validate that they weren’t refusing transits.

The DSA airspace is currently shown on maps as the ACP for its removal is still in progress, this can take a couple of years for the full process to be completed. Until that happens the AIP cannot be amended as the airspace is still extant though notified as deactivated and class G.

30th Jun 2024, 08:05
It's not difficult, just a hassle. I understand that permission isn't needed and yes, at a weekend the MATZs are usually very quiet. However being currently based at and flying out of one of them, during the week it's a different matter. Hanging around in one (a thermaling glider for example) without telling someone you're there is eroding a fair bit of the safety margin they are there to provide, albeit totally permissible.
The reintroduction of DSA airspace would just funnel all the GA traffic heading North to South through a small bottleneck

Why should it? It didn’t seem to do that before. Speaking as one of their regular GA “customers”, ATC at “Donny” were very easy and helpful to deal with.