View Full Version : Altimeter requirements for FAR25 aircraft

27th Jun 2024, 20:41
Is the certification regulation for FAR25 aircraft that prevent the primary altimeters from being sync'd so that one pilot can adjust both primary altimeters inches of HG or millibars.
Are there any examples of airliners out there that have altimeters where the Captain's and FO's altimeter setting can be inputted by only pilot ie sync'd? (Not including the standby altimeter.) I'm not talking about the altimeters using the same ADC info during normal ops, just the inches of HG or HPa/millibars.

I know the 737 series and 787 it's not possible but I'm not familiar with the latest Airbus, Cseries, Embraer products.

Long time lurker, first time poster.....

compressor stall
1st Jul 2024, 09:13
FAR 25.1303 refers. Each pilot station.

Also does away with the whole separate source and cross check philosophy.