View Full Version : Uk instructor seminar changes in 2025

27th Jun 2024, 10:43
From the latest CAA Training Com (Summer 2024):
Aeroplane Examiner and Instructor Refresher Training Seminars/Courses

During the Covid period an alleviation was given to allow examiner and instructor refresher seminars/courses to be conducted on-line.

From 1st January 2025 the flight examiner refresher seminar will continue to be conducted either in person at a venue offered by the provider or ‘on-line’.

However, all aeroplane instructor refresher training seminars/courses will be conducted in person at a venue offered by an approved provider and not continue ‘on-line’.

28th Jun 2024, 06:44
Is the training com published yet, I can't find it?

On my last examiner seminar they said they are obliged to alternate between online and in person seminars being provided, but the candidate has no such obligation and can continue to do all online.

It's an odd decision to remove this for the FI, as it does make it easier for people to renew/reval whilst holding down other jobs such as airline work, which I think the CAA would endorse keeping that experience being passed down. The harder they make it the more of us just won't bother anymore.

28th Jun 2024, 08:29
Available here: https://www.caa.co.uk/publication/download/22227

29th Jun 2024, 19:50
I gave up being an examiner, one reason the waste of time examiner seminar and cost.
Fed up of the whole lot, someone else can take the responsibility after 25 plus years.



29th Jun 2024, 20:00
Last PPL application i did took over an hour of replicating info. CAA already have.
First would be useful on first page of application state what documents required and max. size of files.
For examiner all that is needed is declaration from school course completion before test.
Not to list every exam, that is ONLINE.
Glad when i finally jack it all in.

Probably drop dead on the job though...