View Full Version : I-PAD for VFR navigation

24th Jun 2024, 20:37
What app would you use for easy VFR navigation with the IPAD ?
I have the feeling Foreflight is very complicated
please advice

24th Jun 2024, 20:43
Have a look at SkyDemon.

24th Jun 2024, 20:53
Thx will have a look

24th Jun 2024, 21:31
I second SkyDemon; I used it for a few years flying a gyro. I had more information available to me in the cockpit than in a North Sea helo. My backseater (wife) was able to use her iPad to feed me any info I needed while I followed the track on mine. It is a very capable program. The only drawback was the max font size which was a bit too small for my ageing eyes. Try the demo version to see how you get on.

Jan Olieslagers
25th Jun 2024, 07:13
Another vote for Skydemon: I used it so briefly that I never fathomed the full possibilities. But everything I wanted to know was available, and more. Quite acceptable level of support, too, not an automatic given in today's software markets.

25th Jun 2024, 10:26
Can you get the free version of EasyVFR in Belgium? Might be worth looking into.

25th Jun 2024, 10:45
As an ATPL(H) and CPL(A) holder (now retired), I used SkyDemon on a mini iPad for planning all of my flights. Well worth the money.

25th Jun 2024, 11:58
Runway HD is very good. I run Skydemon and Runway at the same time, switching between the two as and when. Runway is very good at in flight changes, diversions etc. Its easy to play with it during flight. (I also download the CAA map overlay on Runway)

Dave Gittins
25th Jun 2024, 12:19
I use SkyDemon and find it fine. I used to use Foreflight in the USA but as I haven't been there for 18 months let it lapse.

Has anybody ever tried the Foreflight version for Europe and can say how that compares to SkyDemon ?

Manual Reversion
25th Jun 2024, 15:50
Foreflight is improving, but skydemon is better in my opinion for vfr stuff

Jan Olieslagers
25th Jun 2024, 15:59
I seem to have heard/read that ForeFlight is very much US/North-America orientated? Ronny being in Belgium, he might prefer the UK-made and supported SkyDemon.

Dave Gittins
26th Jun 2024, 12:05
Hi Jan. What you say is correct, that Foreflight is very much a US orientated planning and navigating app which is good for VFR and IFR flight and has bolt ons at additional cost for all sorts of things.. I have been using it in the USA for about 10 years and it's good. In the UK, I use SkyDemon and just love it.

However, a couple of years ago Foreflight brought out a set of UK and Europe mapping (and I assume all the plates and the fearures like loads of weather overlays, synthetic vision, high level and oceanic IFR charts etc. that go with it) but as I was already using SkyDemon, I had no urge to pay another $100 to get the UK and Europe stuff on Foreflight just to try it. Right now I haven't been to the States in over a year so my Foreflight subscription has lapsed.

My question is whether anybody has actually tried the Euro version of Foreflight and can comment on how well it transitioned across the pond and if all the bells and whistles are on it..

Shoestring Flyer
27th Jun 2024, 09:04
As you are in Belgium EasyVfr ( based in the Netherlands) is definitely worth consideration and may be more applicable to your needs.

28th Jun 2024, 14:52
I’m in the UK. VFR only. Used to use EasyVFR but I’ve swapped to SkyDemon about a year ago. It’s more intuitive for me and I find it integrates better with the electronic conspicuity I use (it’s worth checking what people say about this)

VFR-Seek and Destroy
2nd Jul 2024, 11:46
I use foreflight both in the UK and the USA.
Fantastic product for flying both VFR and IFR in the USA.
However, in the UK, although foreflight has upped their game in Europe, for just VFR flying, I think there are better products available, such as sky demon and the like.
For both VFR and IFR flying in the UK then Foreflight becomes a worthy contender especially with the geo-referenced IAPs and if you have a Garmin navigator such as the GTN 750 or 650 fitted with the flight stream 510 or 210 option fitted as well then it's a huge thumbs up from me.

Genghis the Engineer
2nd Jul 2024, 11:53
Skydemon is the gold standard and costs some money, although isn't unreasonable.

The best free app I've used is Avia Maps.