View Full Version : Skeyes Belgium- ACC Insights?

24th Jun 2024, 17:57

I saw that Skeyes have a vacancy posting for experienced ATCOs, and I was wondering if anyone has information about them (specifically ACC). Shifts patterns, morale, language requirement (would one get away with English only? The job posting makes it sound like it), salary/benefits, traffic/workload etc. Anything to shed some light on the working life there would be greatly appreciated.

25th Jun 2024, 12:13
I can't recommend Skeyes. Fatigue system is a joke. Morale is low because of management taking disciplinary actions or boycotting ATCO's. Steer well clear of Skeyes!

Random ATCO
28th Jun 2024, 15:10
I can't recommend Skeyes. Fatigue system is a joke. Morale is low because of management taking disciplinary actions or boycotting ATCO's. Steer well clear of Skeyes!

Is management any good anywhere in Europe?

We ATCOS have what we deserve because, leaving aside the French, no one goes on strike. After the summer is over, another opportunity to strike in order to improve our working conditions will be wasted.

In the meantime, inflation keeps eating our salaries.

30th Jun 2024, 06:43

I saw that Skeyes have a vacancy posting for experienced ATCOs, and I was wondering if anyone has information about them (specifically ACC). Shifts patterns, morale, language requirement (would one get away with English only? The job posting makes it sound like it), salary/benefits, traffic/workload etc. Anything to shed some light on the working life there would be greatly appreciated.

Their recruitment process is one of the worst I’ve heard of. I know someone who got an opportunity with them, but she entered a class that was already half way through their ratings course. Now imagine that an experienced controller suddenly finds herself in a totally different environment, new airspace, new rules and in addition there’s a tremendous pressure to get up to speed within a very short period of time. She and many others didn’t make it btw.

30th Jun 2024, 11:52
If you would make a ranking in Europe they would score very low. There are a lot of court cases against management decisions, they manipulate staff and documents to cover up things, they don't obey to the law and regulations. It is a very toxic work environment!

30th Jun 2024, 11:56
I heard the same stories from the "lucky" ones who were hired. Training is also a mess they told me...

I can only recommend anyone considering to apply this: check for other opportunities!!