View Full Version : New Chinese KJ-700 AEW

22nd Jun 2024, 23:54

Images Surface of What Could Be China’s New Rumored KJ-700 AEW&C Aircraft

Pictures on social media seem to confirm the existence of the rumored Chinese KJ-700 AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning and Control) aircraft. Leading Chinese military aviation researcher Andreas Rupprecht posted an image on X on Jun. 17, 2024, identifying it as the KJ-500H, although he also added the aircraft didn’t look like a regular one.

Rupprecht later shared another split imagecomparing the photo with one of a KJ-500H already in service. The new plane has a different nose section, a dome under the chin, a larger bulge on top of the radar disc and a larger side array on the rear side fuselage.

In the furthrr post to help shed more light on the first one, he attached a screenshot from another PLA observer, who said the mystery aircraft is the“brand-new KJ-700.” Rupprecht added that the aircraft “looks like an MLU (Mid-Life Upgrade) to transform the baseline KJ-500H AEW to a multi-role ISR type, others suggest this to be the rumored KJ-700”.…..
