View Full Version : CAA training in Spain, EU, USA etc

16th Jun 2024, 22:04
Hello all,

I've been working on my CAA PPL for a few years and about 3 months ago I decided to do the last 15-20 hours (navigation) at a well known CAA flight school in the south west of Spain.

Three months in, I've only had a handful of lessons and I think I've spent more on airbnb than flying. Whatever could go wrong has, including scheduling, lack of aircraft, maintenance, and weather. It's gotten to the stage where I whatsapp my instructor in the morning to find out what time I should actually go in for my lesson, because the schedule has little/no bearing on timings. Often, the lesson takes place 3-4 hours later, and NOT because of the weather...

So I'm seriously thinking of going somewhere else. To that end, does anybody know any flight schools outside the UK that provide CAA PPL training and skills tests? I can't come back to the UK and finish for a host of boring reasons.

Mickey Kaye
17th Jun 2024, 06:13
I see you live in Bradford, there are lots of good schools close to you. And its June. I can't think of any reason why you can't knock it off in the UK over a few weeks.

17th Jun 2024, 22:42
Thanks, but I can't come back to the UK and finish for a host of boring reasons.

Genghis the Engineer
18th Jun 2024, 10:32
I've used Fly In Spain in Jerez for both UK and EASA ratings. A bit expensive, but I've no complaints about the standards of training or or instructor and aircraft availability.


18th Jun 2024, 10:41
Thanks Genghis, unfortunately my experience has been different to yours. Do you know of any other schools offering CAA training outside the UK?