View Full Version : An ex RAF pilots thoughts on why he wouldn’t go back.. comments?

15th Jun 2024, 00:36
A really frank pilots feelings on what’s gone wrong with the RAF and why he wouldn’t go back. Comments?


https://youtu.be/M5m_yL0Njdk?feature=shared (https://youtu.be/h9IIqi26qYM?feature=shared)


15th Jun 2024, 02:40
Speak some truths. But. This guy is an unhinged prick

Bit harsh ! but obviously having some stuff going on.
Probably does not help putting out You Tube vids though

15th Jun 2024, 07:33
He has a whole website of those to choose from. His rose tinted specs are defo broken! He is non stop rabid about diversity stuff- everyone can have a view, but he never stops banging about it. Sad.


15th Jun 2024, 07:55
Admitting to being a Liz Truss supporter is sporty

15th Jun 2024, 09:07
His style is obviously for effect.
MoD tried to shut him down so his words must have substance.

15th Jun 2024, 09:29
MoD tried to shut him down

How? When?


15th Jun 2024, 09:43
How? When?

If, as you imply, you have watched many of his videos, you would know. You're question tells me you haven't.

15th Jun 2024, 10:49
My poor use of English: I should have typed, "Where is the evidence?" Him saying it, isn't. And it's, 'your'.


Edit: I've been put straight by someone in the know, about the guy being leaned on by MOD. Humble pie has been consumed.

Dervish, I can be accused of plenty- check my posts, I'm no troll. CG

15th Jun 2024, 11:24
Yep, I didn't edit it. I think I was going to say you're 'demands' are pretty typical of some trolls around here, but thought I'd be polite. Have you evidence he's wrong? Have you evidence that MoD, or any of those he has named, have complained of defamation or slander? When someone goes public like that they tend to have the evidence. I believe him, you're at liberty not to.

15th Jun 2024, 12:34
He has a whole website of those to choose from. His rose tinted specs are defo broken! He is non stop rabid about diversity stuff- everyone can have a view, but he never stops banging about it. Sad.


It's a second source of Income for himself. if you read the notes below he runs a Flight Sim Flying School and has a Patron account going. Doing Political Anti WOKE stuff will rake in the Pennies and Cents from the MAGA and BREXIT muppets on the Patron site alone.

15th Jun 2024, 19:19
He has a whole website of those to choose from. His rose tinted specs are defo broken! He is non stop rabid about diversity stuff- everyone can have a view, but he never stops banging about it. Sad.


I think he is probably speaking on behalf of a silent majority who are pretty upset at the state of our military and the fact that senior officers seem to be allowed to cock stuff up all the time and still walk off into the sunset with generous pensions and gongs around their necks. It takes significant balls to put your opinions out there on a platform like YouTube. I would suggest if you want to criticise him, make sure you add your real name to your post, might make you think twice about what you say and also about the kind of courage it takes to make your views public and attributable to yourself.

15th Jun 2024, 20:41
Quite like his channel for the most part, but has some ‘interesting’ and quite surprising opinions in the vein of hard-right US politics on Putin and Ukraine if you follow him on X.

16th Jun 2024, 12:08
Whenever I watch his videos I’m left with the unanswered question - “what did he do in the RAF?”

16th Jun 2024, 13:48
He was FJ driver on Tornado and a Hawk instructor.


16th Jun 2024, 13:58
He was FJ driver on Tornado and a Hawk instructor.

I take it you’ve never watched his videos then?

16th Jun 2024, 14:02
He was and is the real deal as a graduate of the fast jet system in the U.K. He is highly qualified to talk about the current Air Force and lack of resources particularly pilots. I admire him and his views resonate.

16th Jun 2024, 14:08
Whenever I watch his videos I’m left with the unanswered question - “what did he do in the RAF?”

On other media he is quite clear about what he did.


Easy Street
16th Jun 2024, 20:20
I met Tim in the service and can corroborate the CV linked above.

It's easy to deride his views when packaged as a whole, and his rants have rambled so far and so wide that it's easy to cherry pick bits to make him look unhinged ("wolf biting" in the one linked above, for example!). It's maybe less easy for some to deal with the fact that elements of his views are more widely held than they would like to acknowledge. The easiest one to dig into is Pride, where he is not alone in thinking it to have become less about LGB inclusion (which he considers a settled matter in both society and the military) and more about overt displays of sexuality, fetishes, and forced teaming of LGB people with TQIA. Whether you or I agree with him is beside the point: the point is that the view is shared widely enough for the wider issue to have become political (the self-ID debate in Scotland is the most obvious manifestation, with a Supreme Court hearing to come on the legal definition of "woman"). In that context, his derision for the Brize stn cdr having a rainbow zebra crossing painted at her base, and his despair at her subsequent promotion into senior leadership is understandable. There would be zero tolerance for senior leaders, or indeed junior ones taking positions on any other politically contentious matter, so why this one?

At the core of his ramblings is, I think, a cry for RAF seniors to pay more attention to their roles as military leaders, where slavish adherence to Whitehall and Treasury pieties risks alienating them from the people they need to retain: not just on Pride but on pay, housing, contractorisation, and other ways in which the military needs to be different from other public services. Ironically, perhaps, a cry for greater diversity of thought in the corridors of power.