View Full Version : Trying to track down a WW2 Dakota

14th Jun 2024, 08:40
This is a long shot. I have been going through may late father's notes on his actions as part of the Rhine Crossing in 1945, he was part of the UK Airborne assault.

He mentions in his notes re a Dakota:
The name of the plane for my stick was 'The Southern Belle’ and a painting of a voluptuous young lady adorned the side of the aircraft.

I have tried searching and may have found that it eventually ended up in South Africa. however, I may have been led down the wrong path.

Any help gratefully received.

14th Jun 2024, 09:46
Slight thread drift while I remember Grayfly; what we talked about recently, I've had a search through my backups and found a few files but nothing that would be of use to you - I thought I had assembled a folder with everything I prepared over the years but if I did it's not obvious! Let me know if I might be able to help with the project. If only I had my Creative Suite... :{

14th Jun 2024, 10:03
Thanks treadigraph, will do!

14th Jun 2024, 11:16
https://www.airhistory.net/registration/ZS-NTD maybe?

14th Jun 2024, 15:37
https://www.airhistory.net/registration/ZS-NTD maybe?

That's where my various searches ended up, so I am beginning to believe this could be the one.

14th Jun 2024, 20:10
This is the entry from the Air Britain DC 1/2/3 publication. This frame was one of a batch from KJ973 through to KK102, but was apparently passed on in Oct 44 to the SAAF, Following which it seems to have resided permanently in South Africa under various owners. On the face of it, unlikely therefore to have taken part in the Rhine crossing operation in 1945 ?

14th Jun 2024, 20:15
That's where my various searches ended up, so I am beginning to believe this could be the one.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that particular C-47B, despite being allocated an RAF serial (KJ999), was delivered direct to the SAAF in November 1944 and never served with the RAF.