View Full Version : First intractable bargaining decision protects weekends and delivers 23% pay increase

14th Jun 2024, 07:47
First Intractable Bargaining Decision (https://twunsw.org.au/press/first-intractable-bargaining-decision-protects-weekends-and-delivers-23-pay-increases-at-cleanaway/)

14th Jun 2024, 08:00
Very similar situation to the Qantas Vs Network Pilots.

I guess we’ll see if the FWC Bench is influenced by their chairman’s club membership.

Thumb War
14th Jun 2024, 08:36
When is a decision on Network due?

14th Jun 2024, 08:48
When is a decision on Network due?

This decision took 7 months so somewhere between Oct-Dec if that’s any guide.

14th Jun 2024, 09:20
Very similar situation to the Qantas Vs Network Pilots.

I guess we’ll see if the FWC Bench is influenced by their chairman’s club membership.

It will be hard for QF to win this in light of this precedent. If the outcome went their way it would be heavily scrutinised and the commissioners would have to have a clear cut case. I reckon Vanessa will be having a few stiff drinks in the coming months.

14th Jun 2024, 10:07
As the intractable bargaining case opened, Cleanaway took all previously agreed terms off the table, erasing 13 months of negotiations.
Is that the same tactic that QF used with Network?

14th Jun 2024, 10:20
It will be hard for QF to win this in light of this precedent. If the outcome went their way it would be heavily scrutinised and the commissioners would have to have a clear cut case. I reckon Vanessa will be having a few stiff drinks in the coming months.

Glad that the union is happy but it sounds like they were just asking for conditions to not deteriorate and a pretty modest pay rise (could be wrong- didn’t read it too closely). I hope it means the FWC will lean in the direction of union claims but it sounds like there was less of a divide in this case than exists at network.

14th Jun 2024, 11:49
Glad that the union is happy but it sounds like they were just asking for conditions to not deteriorate and a pretty modest pay rise (could be wrong- didn’t read it too closely). I hope it means the FWC will lean in the direction of union claims but it sounds like there was less of a divide in this case than exists at network.

Airlines have had a much greater influence over various industrial bodies than any other, if ever there was an industry requiring, and due for a correction, it was ours.

Aussie Fo
14th Jun 2024, 13:24
At a very basic look, they got CPI for the last couple of years plus 3% for the next few years.

I doubt penalties would be applicable to Network as have largely always worked weekend.

just my opinion, but it seems going to FWC doesn’t achieve much aside from basic pay rises.
the downside to Qantas would be they largely stay away from productivity improvements which is worth much more to Qantas.