View Full Version : Royal Netherlands Air Force - Trial Alternate Daily Uniform For Females

13th Jun 2024, 22:23
Alternate Daily Uniform Trial involving 100 females - modelled here by a 48-year old 3-star who is currently Deputy Director General of the Directorate General Policy (DGB) having previously been Deputy Commander of the Air Force as a 2-star and Commander Defense Cyber Command as a 1-star - so not a lightweight stacker, scribbly or dentist!


Open-air concert for diversity: "Don't let women fight alone" | News item | Defensie.nl (https://www.defensie.nl/actueel/nieuws/2024/06/13/openluchtconcert-voor-diversiteit-laat-vrouwen-niet-in-hun-eentje-vechten)


Barksdale Boy
14th Jun 2024, 01:47
Mighty fine lookin' gal!

14th Jun 2024, 06:01
She has all those iny and outy bits!

Bob Viking
14th Jun 2024, 06:14
And they say we live in enlightened times.

Come on fellas, if you have nothing constructive to say about the uniform trial it might be best to keep your thoughts to yourself.

My thoughts are that, if a military force can come up with a uniform that is less crap, easier to care for and can still look smart then I’m all for it. The RAF scratchy woollen uniforms jump to my mind.


14th Jun 2024, 06:39
Wot - no pockets?

Less Hair
14th Jun 2024, 06:52
The shoes look much to high the rest is quite okay.

14th Jun 2024, 07:26
If it is an everyday uniform, why is it not being modelled in an everyday stance? The full double teapot stance distorts the hang, line and fit.


14th Jun 2024, 09:24
And there might just be a pocket hiding behind the left hand?

14th Jun 2024, 09:54
And there might just be a pocket hiding behind the left hand?
Could be. Where would pens go, though? Or perhaps everything's digital these days. :)

Training Risky
14th Jun 2024, 10:17
And they say we live in enlightened times.

Come on fellas, if you have nothing constructive to say about the uniform trial it might be best to keep your thoughts to yourself.

My thoughts are that, if a military force can come up with a uniform that is less crap, easier to care for and can still look smart then I’m all for it. The RAF scratchy woollen uniforms jump to my mind.

Relaaaaax snowflake! :)

For my money she's smokin' hot! Hair needs sorting though - it's alles uber den platze and looks untidy.

14th Jun 2024, 10:33
That's General Elanor Boekholt-O’Sullivan - must be some Irish ancestry with the surname O'Sullivan.

14th Jun 2024, 11:30
And they say we live in enlightened times.

Come on fellas, if you have nothing constructive to say about the uniform trial it might be best to keep your thoughts to yourself.


I rather think you fell for that .......... somebody was bound to say something on those lines, and someone was bound to react. Perhaps the good lady [sorry, woman] might like the praise, and does not need defending against non-existent dispraise.

14th Jun 2024, 11:57
I rather think you fell for that .......... somebody was bound to say something on those lines, and someone was bound to react. Perhaps the good lady [sorry, woman] might like the praise, and does not need defending against non-existent dispraise.
For a weather guesser I think that this time you're about right. There will always be a proportion of people who can't think outside their underwear.

I think that the uniform looks very smart on her. I'm no expert but how will it look on women of different proportions. Flattering or functional?

14th Jun 2024, 12:16
Looks much better than those security guard uniforms that the RAF was looking at a year or two ago. The Dutch are always well ahead when it comes to uniform practicality. Flight suit for work? No problem, Camo PJs? Tick VG.

14th Jun 2024, 12:34
And they say we live in enlightened times.

Come on fellas, if you have nothing constructive to say about the uniform trial it might be best to keep your thoughts to yourself.

My thoughts are that, if a military force can come up with a uniform that is less crap, easier to care for and can still look smart then I’m all for it. The RAF scratchy woollen uniforms jump to my mind.


Thankfully BV, the RAF that you were in and I’m currently in has moved on. Showed these comments to some of the people I work with. I didn’t realise how many times you could fit dinosaur into a sentence.

14th Jun 2024, 14:01
Just had a flashback of about a year to the photo of a male sergeant on this forum who looked like a sack of sh1t and a lot of folk piled in and said so.

Not sure what to make of current attitudes.

14th Jun 2024, 14:53
Why do females need an alternate daily uniform ? Surely normal uniform [trousers/shirt] does the job for everybody ??

14th Jun 2024, 15:25
Isn`t that Sophie Raworth from the BBC?

14th Jun 2024, 15:38
That's General Elanor Boekholt-O’Sullivan - must be some Irish ancestry with the surname O'Sullivan.

Born in Ireland to an Irish father.

Sloppy Link
14th Jun 2024, 16:44
Sad to say, those with a fuller form would have that form accentuated with associated feelings and comments.

14th Jun 2024, 17:30
I think it looks quite smart, not sure about the practicality of high heels though, it looks relatively simple in design, simple but elegant, that should keep the cost down. I wonder if they have a jacket to match.

The only flaw I can think of is it might not suit all body shapes, but then it appears to be an optional choice of uniform, so that might not matter.

No doubt the RAF would be wanting a pair of bloody wings stitched on it.

14th Jun 2024, 17:47
Born in Ireland to an Irish father.

Probably left-handed.

14th Jun 2024, 18:43
Where are the pockets?

14th Jun 2024, 19:49
Ladies usually carry `handbags`,which can carry `everything`,from lipstick to camouflage kit,folding rifles,instant tents,and cooking utensils,and even a `ball`gown...

14th Jun 2024, 20:01
Ladies usually carry `handbags`,which can carry `everything`,from lipstick to camouflage kit,folding rifles,instant tents,and cooking utensils,and even a `ball`gown...

They do but many would prefer pockets and having hands free to actually hold things, open doors, etc.

Wife's ambition is to find useful work dress with real pockets.

Chu Chu
14th Jun 2024, 22:09
She must have expected comments a lot worse then these (and no doubt she got them). So good on her for not asking a subordinate to do the modelling.

Ascend Charlie
14th Jun 2024, 23:45
OK for summer in the office, but useless for outdoors, but probably the other alternate uniform would have trousers, pockets, long sleeves and flat shoes.

15th Jun 2024, 01:03
OK for summer in the office, but useless for outdoors, but probably the other alternate uniform would have trousers, pockets, long sleeves and flat shoes.

Hmm. Reminds me of the V Neck woolly pully, originally a crew neck combat design to keep you warm in the field, but mucked about by a bunch of office wallahs to reduce its effectiveness, but to look pretty with a tie.

15th Jun 2024, 06:30
Didn't (doesn't?) the RAF have a similar one-piece Khaki option for women in warm, but non-tropical, zones?

15th Jun 2024, 07:19
Yes they did, I was wondering where I had seen similar, it was on VC10 crews

found it.


15th Jun 2024, 09:30
ISTR it was also a summer option for ground-trades in RAFG, Nutty.

Now that most of us male posters have commented on how non-utilitarian it would be to wear (and accessorise), any thoughts from correspondents of the female persuasion?

(And yes, I would probably have opted for the enhanced stability of a lower heel).

15th Jun 2024, 09:58
It also resembles the RAF maternity dress.


15th Jun 2024, 10:50
(And yes, I would probably have opted for the enhanced stability of a lower heel).

Perhaps they’re relaxed stability heels with quadruplex digital control system? (UK version 5 years behind schedule, overbudget and has been turned into a pair of wellies)

15th Jun 2024, 14:36
Who knew that Prune was so chocked with style gurus?

15th Jun 2024, 15:32
Alternate Daily Uniform Trial involving 100 females - modelled here by a 48-year old 3-star who is currently Deputy Director General of the Directorate General Policy (DGB) having previously been Deputy Commander of the Air Force as a 2-star and Commander Defense Cyber Command as a 1-star - so not a lightweight stacker, scribbly or dentist!


Open-air concert for diversity: "Don't let women fight alone" | News item | Defensie.nl (https://www.defensie.nl/actueel/nieuws/2024/06/13/openluchtconcert-voor-diversiteit-laat-vrouwen-niet-in-hun-eentje-vechten)


Stunning, smart and respectful....more importantly its 21st century.

Perhaps leather flight jacket (gather Dutch wear the German bundesehr type in black) with pens on the sleeve pocket.


15th Jun 2024, 22:59
Probably left-handed.
go on, please explain? just wondering if this is the religious bigotry that it looks like!

Captain Dart
16th Jun 2024, 06:27
Perhaps they’re relaxed stability heels with quadruplex digital control system? (UK version 5 years behind schedule, overbudget and has been turned into a pair of wellies)

They could have just used clogs.

16th Jun 2024, 10:36
Let’s see all these sad, geriatric posters on here put up a pic of themselves in their piss stained chinos, fleeces with egg all down them and shoes they bought from the back of the Mail on Sunday magazine.

Then we can all comment on their appearance.

16th Jun 2024, 10:37
go on, please explain? just wondering if this is the religious bigotry that it looks like!

You've answered that question yourself.

16th Jun 2024, 10:45
go on, please explain? just wondering if this is the religious bigotry that it looks like!

Watch on right arm often [not invariably] for left-handers.

Either hand can be used to stick religious bigotry up one's ar$e.

Training Risky
17th Jun 2024, 09:57
Thankfully BV, the RAF that you were in and I’m currently in has moved on. Showed these comments to some of the people I work with. I didn’t realise how many times you could fit dinosaur into a sentence.
At least these 'people you work with' are getting the basics right then. That's virtue-signalling sorted.

Now to tackle your op capability, housing and retention! :)

17th Jun 2024, 11:10
At least these 'people you work with' are getting the basics right then. That's virtue-signalling sorted.

Now to tackle your op capability, housing and retention! :)

It’s not binary. Given that sexism, racism and bullying was rife when I first joined and is much reduced now, I would call that a good thing. You know, high functioning teams. You should read about it and see why it’s a good thing.

Last time I checked, people weren’t leaving because they weren’t allowed to be tw@ts. It’s the other stuff which we are trying to address. The virtue signalling as you call it is easy, costs nothing and improves performance.

Training Risky
17th Jun 2024, 13:04
It’s not binary. Given that sexism, racism and bullying was rife when I first joined and is much reduced now, I would call that a good thing. You know, high functioning teams. You should read about it and see why it’s a good thing.

Last time I checked, people weren’t leaving because they weren’t allowed to be tw@ts. It’s the other stuff which we are trying to address. The virtue signalling as you call it is easy, costs nothing and improves performance.
Apart from when the RAF hits the headlines for illegally discriminating against applicants based on their race and sex because some people wanted to take shortcuts to make a 'high functioning team'! Clearly more to do on the racism and sexism then old bean! :D

17th Jun 2024, 18:00
Let’s see all these sad, geriatric posters on here put up a pic of themselves in their piss stained chinos, fleeces with egg all down them and shoes they bought from the back of the Mail on Sunday magazine.

Then we can all comment on their appearance.

I have been nothing but complementary about the Lady and uniform in question.

And to put you straight, I shop at those well known Gentlemen’s outfitters, Oxfam, JD Sports and Primark, so please do not paint me as a Mail on Sunday shopper.


Top West 50
17th Jun 2024, 19:49
What does it matter what you look like if there are too few of you in the fight?

17th Jun 2024, 20:39
No doubt the RAF would be wanting a pair of bloody wings stitched on it.

This is a RAAF variation. She doesn't have wings, but enough other things to be a pain in the butt to pin on.


17th Jun 2024, 23:36
I live 500m from the NL MOD Head Office, and regularly see uniformed staff in the area, so looking with interest to see if this makes a regular appearance.

17th Jun 2024, 23:45
I've been out for 12 years, I don't care what people wear, as long as the people serving now are happy, that's fine with me! And Dutch uniforms occupy my mind even less than UK uniforms.