View Full Version : A320 Type Rating Base Training Flight deadline

13th Jun 2024, 09:59
Hi. I've just finished the A320 skill test. With the IATA Summer most airlines/airplanes/instructors are flying in the line and it hasn't been easy to find a ATO/airline where to fly the Base Training flight. My question is what is the deadline to perform de base training flight after finishing the skill test?

The line c) of the FCL.725 Requirements for the issue of class and type ratings, Annex I (Part FCL), SUBPART H – CLASS AND TYPE RATINGS of the Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 states the following:<<Skill test. An applicant for a class or type rating shall pass a skill test in accordance with Appendix 9 to this Part to demonstrate the skill required for the safe operation of the applicable class or type of aircraft.

The applicant shall pass the skill test within a period of 6 months after commencement of the class or type rating training course and within a period of 6 months preceding the application for the issue of the class or type rating. >>
Given this my interpretation is that I have 6 months to fly the base training flight and to submit the documentation to issue a new license with type rating endorsement. Thanks for your attention. Regards.