View Full Version : Re-apply for Emirates after I was terminated?!

8th Jun 2024, 23:50
Hi guys,

Long story really but I was Cabin Crew
for Emirates for 6 years. I lost my job 7 years ago as I was terminated due to attendance. I loved my job so much but very sadly went through a really difficult time in my life and this had devastating effects on my dream job that I chased for years.

I am now 35, and I have never really found my feet after this happened. I miss my job at Emirates so much and it breaks my heart and brings me to tears even thinking about it.

I am really just wondering if anyone knows if I would ever be able to re-join after all this time has passed? I did recently apply and my application wasn’t progressed and I’m just stuck not knowing if I am black listed, will they still have my record (my record was completely clean before my authorized sickness). Will I ever be able to have this chance again or should I just give it up?

Thanks so much x

9th Jun 2024, 05:51
Try Flydubai if you can't manage emirates

9th Jun 2024, 08:46
Middle East is a hard & fast employment market. If you are an expat, you are just fodder. Absolutely nothing else.Locals will regard you as temporary and necessary . Do not ever think of integrating.

Your employers do not have the heart or the time to look at your transgression. You crossed the line and the contractual result was dismissal. Do not ever under-estimate the 'Loss of face' syndrome endemic in this population. To have made the decision to dismiss you remains pretty final. To re-instate would require humility, heart and human interaction. Your ME employers will never have or acquire these human gifts.

You won't ever get over this. Cherish the dreams and giggle at the fun you had.

Now, to the present. Plenty of other operators. Get your CV out and turn this into an adventure and target. If it comes up at interview, be clear that future employers know that you have changed and paid a fearsome price for being a naughty and not turning up, some times. You you are lesson learner and would never show same fault again.

I was going to wish you good luck but there is no luck in this whatsoever. Pick up the challenge, ready for the fight, get yourself out there and practice...."Doors to manual"...... You will soon be saying that again !

9th Jun 2024, 10:03
What sort of personal problems lead to your attendance issues?

did you end up in a bad relationship or was it something else?

9th Jun 2024, 10:10

9th Jun 2024, 10:58
What sort of personal problems lead to your attendance issues?

did you end up in a bad relationship or was it something else?

I had suffered a very bad break up yes and also a family bereavement shortly after. I just let it all get on top of me and didn’t cope well. If I had my time again I would have had my authorized time off that Emirates gave me and just gone back to work but o called sick again once they scheduled me a flight because I felt I still wasn’t ready. What an idiot I was!

9th Jun 2024, 11:00
Middle East is a hard & fast employment market. If you are an expat, you are just fodder. Absolutely nothing else.Locals will regard you as temporary and necessary . Do not ever think of integrating.

Your employers do not have the heart or the time to look at your transgression. You crossed the line and the contractual result was dismissal. Do not ever under-estimate the 'Loss of face' syndrome endemic in this population. To have made the decision to dismiss you remains pretty final. To re-instate would require humility, heart and human interaction. Your ME employers will never have or acquire these human gifts.

You won't ever get over this. Cherish the dreams and giggle at the fun you had.

Now, to the present. Plenty of other operators. Get your CV out and turn this into an adventure and target. If it comes up at interview, be clear that future employers know that you have changed and paid a fearsome price for being a naughty and not turning up, some times. You you are lesson learner and would never show same fault again.

I was going to wish you good luck but there is no luck in this whatsoever. Pick up the challenge, ready for the fight, get yourself out there and practice...."Doors to manual"...... You will soon be saying that again !

Thank you, appreciate your reply x

10th Jun 2024, 10:03
I had suffered a very bad break up yes and also a family bereavement shortly after. I just let it all get on top of me and didn’t cope well. If I had my time again I would have had my authorized time off that Emirates gave me and just gone back to work but o called sick again once they scheduled me a flight because I felt I still wasn’t ready. What an idiot I was!

I think you are a troll who got no life, creating dramas

10th Jun 2024, 10:10
I had suffered a very bad break up yes and also a family bereavement shortly after. I just let it all get on top of me and didn’t cope well. If I had my time again I would have had my authorized time off that Emirates gave me and just gone back to work but o called sick again once they scheduled me a flight because I felt I still wasn’t ready. What an idiot I was!

I wouldn't say you are an idiot, you are human, we do mistakes and it seems harsh to dismiss you without looking and discussing root causes of the poor attendance.

I have to say this, you can apply to Etihad or Qatar(if you really want ME) or any other airline in which you have the right to legally work on, and you don't need to tell them you were dismissed. It was 7 years ago, probably won't need references from Emirates anyway. Just say you left due to family reasons, if you have references still, then great. If you don't, don't mention it at all! best of luck.

10th Jun 2024, 11:15
I wouldn't say you are an idiot, you are human, we do mistakes and it seems harsh to dismiss you without looking and discussing root causes of the poor attendance.

I have to say this, you can apply to Etihad or Qatar(if you really want ME) or any other airline in which you have the right to legally work on, and you don't need to tell them you were dismissed. It was 7 years ago, probably won't need references from Emirates anyway. Just say you left due to family reasons, if you have references still, then great. If you don't, don't mention it at all! best of luck.

Thats a great message from you, thank you. Emirates were actually really good to me, I guess I just over stepped the mark. I used to work for Etihad before Emirates but only took the job as I didn’t get Emirates first. Emirates was and still is my number one so there’s not really any other airline I’d like to work for. Annoying hey!! I will try one more time when I can in a couple months and see. Thanks again x

10th Jun 2024, 14:11
EK gets 100's if not 1000's of applications for every position. Just like when you are an employee you are just a number. Also when terminated there's a box whoever made the decision can check which prevents a future rehire and nobody will risk their own job to override that decision since any further problem will be on them.