View Full Version : Looking for OSD Operational Suitability Data Flight Crew AW109)

7th Jun 2024, 11:50
I am looking for the Leonardo 'Operational Suitability Data Flight Crew' for AW109 helicopter.

Any links will be highly appreciated.

7th Jun 2024, 13:23
I am looking for the Leonardo 'Operational Suitability Data Flight Crew' for AW109 helicopter.

Any links will be highly appreciated.

Is there one? The OSD process predates the type. Previously it would have been a JOEB but they were voluntary and I doubt the 109 would have been a subject aircraft.

General lists here:

But, because the OSD process is part of certification, the aircraft specific ones are contained within the TCDSs and there is very little (as expected) in the AW109: https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/downloads/7951/en

An interesting article here explains it all quite well:https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/business-aviation/2014-03-02/easa-extends-certification-operational-suitability

7th Jun 2024, 15:53
Is there one?

i suspect that he means this one:


7th Jun 2024, 16:51
i suspect that he means this one:

Oh - interesting! But it seems like an unregulated company product rather than an EASA approved document (as I referred to). Good to see though.

7th Jun 2024, 19:00

alternatively, the other documant pictured in the post above IS the EASA 2020… look at page 2!

8th Jun 2024, 22:14
Oh - interesting! But it seems like an unregulated company product rather than an EASA approved document (as I referred to). Good to see though.
No, that is the official product. OSD FCD and OSD MMEL is produced by the manufacturer not EASA for each type. Not only that but they are also kept by the manufacturer. If you want a copy you have to have access to the manufacturers tech pubs which usually means you or your company has the aircraft. Any ATO that provides training on the type should be able to get you access to the latest copy. They are no stored centrally by EASA