View Full Version : Industrial deafness

Shadwell the old
6th Jun 2024, 15:52
I was today called by M&S solicitors from Blackburn offering to pursue a claim for industrial deafness against the MoD caused by military service. I flew as rear crew on Vulcans and Nimrods and have amassed a paltry 6000 flying hours. I do have tinnitus and have to wear 2 hearing aids. My hearing is very poor and in company it is difficult to carry on a conversation. I also get grief from SWMBO for asking for the TV to be turned up when watching the Repair Shop. I digress. My questions for the community are:

1. Are they kosher and has anyone heard of them
2. If yes, are they worth hiring on a no win no fee basis (if they win, they get 25% of any payout)
3. Has anybody had success with them
4. Is it a scam

I have given them my service number, but apart from that they just have name, address and dob, which they could get from public sources.

Shadwell the old

Party Animal
6th Jun 2024, 16:09
Shadders old boy - PM me when you get the chance.

Yours aye,


7th Jun 2024, 07:30
Speaking as one who has a disability pension for deafness, the application is straightforward as long as the loss of hearing was documented before you left the services.



7th Jun 2024, 09:41
Got mine too. Have 2 NHS supplied hearing aids, the later smaller ones from Siemens. Also have Tinnitus, in the form of steam hoses hissing away both sides, with the occasional tinkling silver bell. But I do find selective hearing quite useful, especially when nagging starts....

7th Jun 2024, 10:18
tthey just have name, address and dob,
Don't give them your name, Shadwell.

just another jocky
7th Jun 2024, 17:58
Speaking as one who has a disability pension for deafness, the application is straightforward as long as the loss of hearing was documented before you left the services.


By documented do you mean a reduced medical status (Annual Medical)? It's called JMES now (Joint Medical Employment Standard) and fully fit is A1 L1 M1 E1. Can't recall how it went back in the day.

Percy Cute
7th Jun 2024, 18:32
I have industrial blindness. It's so bad, I can't see myself going to work next week.


7th Jun 2024, 22:31
Can't recall how it went back in the day.
In my day it was A1 G1 Z1. Apperently stood for fit for all Air duties, fit for all Ground duties, fit for all parts of the world.

8th Jun 2024, 08:55
shadwell the old

Your mention of Nimrod rang bells. In his book "Citadel of Waste" David Hill has a chapter telling of Nimrod pi$$ing £50M down the drain on this. Wouldn't surprise me if the legal people have read it as the evidence of delay in implementation leaves MOD nowhere to go. He's good value. Contact him.

8th Jun 2024, 09:41
MoD don't have good form on noise -


A number of good men slung out as unfit, following Ajax noise exposure.


8th Jun 2024, 10:25
I applied when I left in '93 ... claim rejected as damage was deemed not severe enough. Now ask my wife how often I have to ask her to repeat herself, while I turn up the volume on the TV!

Shadwell the old
8th Jun 2024, 14:30
Hi all,
Thanks to all who have taken the time to reply and I think I am reassured that this is not a scam I shall give it a try.

MPN11. It may be worth trying again, as it appears that the rules changed for service after 1987, which would cover the time when you were in. If you want more details of what I know, feel free to PM me

8th Jun 2024, 15:13
Hi all,
Thanks to all who have taken the time to reply and I think I am reassured that this is not a scam I shall give it a try.

MPN11. It may be worth trying again, as it appears that the rules changed for service after 1987, which would cover the time when you were in. If you want more details of what I know, feel free to PM me

Please could you post this knowledge here for all, Shadwell? Plenty more of us in this position would be interested I'm sure.

8th Jun 2024, 15:22
Funnily enough, my application for loss of hearing was approved the same week as Mogwi Senior’s. His was caused by a Jap suicide bomber hitting the flight-deck of Indefatigable, when he was in Flyco. Mine was slightly more mundane!


8th Jun 2024, 16:14
Although not ex-services, I do have NHS hearing aids, and one thing worth knowing is that this qualifies you for a disabled persons railcard - 1/3 off any type of ticket for both yourself and your 'carer'. NHS battery book cover is used as proof of entitlement. Unlike most of the other railcards, there are no restrictions on when you can use it.

Party Animal
8th Jun 2024, 16:47

I've tried to reply to your PM twice but my note keeps bouncing back with some vague comment that it doesn't recognise the reply address?!?. If you PM me again with your home e-mail address, I can give you some interesting information. And yes, we do know each other.

Cheers - PA

8th Jun 2024, 19:32
Watching comms developments. The fact that I’m not in UK any more may make it a lost cause!