View Full Version : B-2 Crew Assisted Turn Round

6th Jun 2024, 06:27
No room for a crew chief….


For stealth bomber pilots, a new test in agility

When a B-2 Spirit bomber lands at an airfield, it typically needs a crew of several maintainers who spring into action to ready it for takeoff again.

But on May 28, two stealth bombers assigned to the 393rd Bomb Squadron at Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, took on a unique mission: fly to Offutt AFB, Nebraska, where a single pilot from each aircraft would jump out and refuel the plane — alone.……

Planning for the operation meant the aircraft had to carry gear, like wheel chocks, a ladder, oil and hydraulic fluid, that it wouldn’t typically need because maintainers already have those supplies on hand, said Capt. Andrew Dang, a B-2 pilot with the 393rd and an operational planner for the training run.…..

6th Jun 2024, 07:35
Shock! Horror!!! :eek:

6th Jun 2024, 07:55
And the point of it being?
These birds need massive support infrastructure. There is no way they will be operating on skeleton crew.

6th Jun 2024, 09:21
But nice to know he knows how to.....................

6th Jun 2024, 12:27
Do they get special steel toe caps with which to kick the tyres (sorry - tires)?

West Coast
6th Jun 2024, 13:50
Fly away kits.

6th Jun 2024, 14:35
Do they get extra pay?

6th Jun 2024, 15:07
he/she might get a medal................

Yellow Sun
6th Jun 2024, 16:41
Dusty Beard (https://www.aftc.af.mil/News/On-This-Day-in-Test-History/Article-Display-Test-History/Article/2532231/april-10-1962-air-force-flight-test-center-supported-the-dusty-beard-ii-project/) resurrected?


6th Jun 2024, 18:04
When I started in the RAF you needed more qualifications to train as an Apprentice than you did to join as a driver (airframe).
Presumably that was because it was harder to fix it than break it.
Would the B2 driver and the driver's mate be capable of such a complex task? :E

6th Jun 2024, 21:12
My dad had to remove the Coffman starter from the Gypsy Major in his AEF Chipmunk at the end of the days flying, BUY he NEVER had to refuel it :hmm:

Diff Tail Shim
6th Jun 2024, 21:25
Aircrew turnround. Not unknown. Shows how much some people on here know about military aviation on the line. Had 4 F15Es operate from Cottesmore for 4 days without any UASFE groundcrew support. Pilots could do the SOAP samples. 4 sortie per kite days as well. We just stopped them and chocked them. Got taught the see off hand signals required on day one. Refuellers touch the refuelling equipment on pilot instruction. Was a great week on the VASS HFMEC that week.