View Full Version : Germany orders additional Eurofighters

5th Jun 2024, 15:33
Germany To Purchase 20 Additional Eurofighter Jets | Eurofighter Typhoon (https://www.eurofighter.com/news/germany-to-purchase-20-additional-eurofighter-jets)We will order 20 more Eurofighters before the end of this legislative session (scheduled for autumn 2025) — in addition to the 38 aircraft currently in the pipeline

- Chancellor Scholz
Unfortunately UK politickers don't consider the current defence climate requires such expense for strengthening current generation capabilities.

Amused that Eurofighter says it's selling the Germans Typhoons but the Germans say they are buying Eurofighters.:E

5th Jun 2024, 19:30
Amused that Eurofighter says it's selling the Germans Typhoons but the Germans say they are buying Eurofighters.:E

Don't mention the war. I did once, but I think I got away with it!

5th Jun 2024, 19:34
Keep the production lines warm. This is a good thing.

5th Jun 2024, 19:53
Don't mention the war. I did once, but I think I got away with it!

I mentioned the Falaise pocket but I didn't get away with it :oh:

6th Jun 2024, 03:06
The name Typhoon never caught on in Germany. It has always been Eurofighter. What is it called in Spain and Italy?

6th Jun 2024, 04:28
In Italy mostly Eurofighter in the newspapers

6th Jun 2024, 07:13
Austria same.
Press likes to call them Teurofighter, thanks to the imbecile Minister of Defence who "renegotiated" the original contract with EADS back then.

6th Jun 2024, 11:48
Is it not F-2000 in Spain and Italy?

Martin the Martian
6th Jun 2024, 12:36
In Italy it is the F-2000 Tifone, while Spain designates it the C.16 Tifon (C for Caza, or Fighter).

Tartiflette Fan
6th Jun 2024, 16:35
The name Typhoon never caught on in Germany. It has always been Eurofighter. What is it called in Spain and Italy?

Not "caught on " but actively rejected because of WW2 connotations.

6th Jun 2024, 16:43
Germany To Purchase 20 Additional Eurofighter Jets | Eurofighter Typhoon (https://www.eurofighter.com/news/germany-to-purchase-20-additional-eurofighter-jets)
Unfortunately UK politickers don't consider the current defence climate requires such expense for strengthening current generation capabilities.

Amused that Eurofighter says it's selling the Germans Typhoons but the Germans say they are buying Eurofighters.:E

Not a lot of point us ordering more because of [I gather] shortage of drivers.

6th Jun 2024, 17:44
Not a lot of point us ordering more because of [I gather] shortage of drivers.

That did occur to me, but I thought may be more vehicles might attract more potential drivers.:) Mind you getting them trained might be an issue.

6th Jun 2024, 19:04
As I explained 18 years ago and again more recently, naming multi-national aircraft to avoid national sensitivities can be difficult:

EF2000 Bureaufighter was named 'Typhoon' after a meeting between 'they-who-eat-Sauerkraut' and others some years ago..........

UK: "We need a name for this new jet. We don't think that Spitfire II would be terribly suitable, so we suggest a name following on the 'wind' tradition started by Tornado. How about 'Tempest'?"

t-w-e-S: "Nein. We are with this not happy being. Verdammte Englanders did my father in his Me262 mit ein Hawker Tempest shoot down. Ve suggest Sturm!"

UK: "No, sorry old chap. Too many memories of Storm Troopers goose-stepping across Europe..... We'd prefer 'Hurricane'"

t-w-e-S: "Nein. This is not possible."

UK: "OK - something else then. How about 'Typhoon'.....?"

t-w-e-S: "Nein! You also had those in the Second Weltkrieg. Ve do NOT vant unser aircraft so named being...."

UK: "Ah - but you had a 'Typhoon' or rather 'Taifun' as well. Me 108 Taifun, if you recall....!"

t-w-e-S: "Himmel! Sie haben recht. Ve did indeed. Perhaps ve can consider this?"

UK: "OK - perhaps. Or what about 'Cyclone'? No-one had any aeroplane called 'Cyclone'?"

t-w-e-S: "Hmm. Sehr interesting. Zis ist perhaps OK. Ja - ve are liking 'Cyclone', oder, wie sagt man auf Deutsch, 'Zyklon'. Ve can fur das Singleseaterflugzeug 'Zyklon A' have, und fur das Doppelseaterjagdbomberflugzeug, vielleicht 'Zyklon B'......"

UK: "Ahhh - we don't think that would be a terribly good name. We want to sell our jet overseas. We don't think that 'Zyklon B' would go down terribly well with some of our potential customers....."

t-w-e-S: "Ach so. Perhaps then ve should agree on 'Taifun'!"

UK: "Yes. ‘Typhoon’ it is then. Spot of lunch, old chap?"

t-w-e-S: "Danke"

27th Jun 2024, 07:11
Luftwaffe gets Brimstone 3 for Eurofighter.

First batch order to cover 274 live rounds plus 29 for integration work & 75 for training.

Framework contract ceiling is 3,266 missiles (funding caveats apply). Initial batch value around 376 million Euros.
