View Full Version : Ex OC 70 Sqn - Calvin Bailey MBE running as a Labour MP

The B Word
3rd Jun 2024, 19:45
Calvin Bailey, ex OC 70 Sqn - A400M and Herc Pilot is running as a Labour MP candidate in North London.


It looks like a fairly safe Labour seat too with a 65% majority in the 2019 GE…


Probably a Defence Minister in the making then…

3rd Jun 2024, 19:48
Think we’ll get the Herks back then? ;)

3rd Jun 2024, 22:00
Nothing but respect for Calvin. He would get my vote, no doubt. I always valued his measured approach in the RAF - say it as it is, but with humility. Nice chap who will do well.

Diff Tail Shim
4th Jun 2024, 13:10
Nothing but respect for Calvin. He would get my vote, no doubt. I always valued his measured approach in the RAF - say it as it is, but with humility. Nice chap who will do well.
Hopefully will be seen as an asset and rise up the ranks into cabinet.

4th Jun 2024, 16:03
Hopefully will be seen as an asset and rise up the ranks into cabinet.

if he's representative of the Herc fleet, the subsidised dining facility in the commons is about to get a hammering.

4th Jun 2024, 18:21
Wow, that would have been heresy back in my day……

Diff Tail Shim
4th Jun 2024, 18:28
Wow, that would have been heresy back in my day……
Had Ben Goodwin (ex Tornado Sqn boss) stand in my last constituency in 2019 under the Lib Dem banner. Didn't win. Wonder if he would there now? Got my vote. Would do so again.

6th Jun 2024, 11:46
Excellent news. Good luck to him.

7th Jun 2024, 14:10
"Wow, that would have been heresy back in my day……"

What's heretical about a former serviceman standing for parliament?

Diff Tail Shim
7th Jun 2024, 15:53
"Wow, that would have been heresy back in my day……"

What's heretical about a former serviceman standing for parliament?
Suspect it is the fact he is standing for a party that is not a friend of the Daily Telegraph.