View Full Version : SOLI change pre LST

Straighten Up
3rd Jun 2024, 07:09
We have a student with a french medical (class 2), who now wants to get initial issue of PPL from Malta. The process to send medical records is taking months (started in March) and his skills test is booked for next week. Can anyone confirm if you can take an LST with the "wrong" medical issued, pending its changeover. He will apply for PPL to Malta still and obviously won't get the licence issued until medical is resolved but are there any reasons he can't take the test?


4th Jun 2024, 21:34
We have a student with a french medical (class 2), who now wants to get initial issue of PPL from Malta. The process to send medical records is taking months (started in March) and his skills test is booked for next week. Can anyone confirm if you can take an LST with the "wrong" medical issued, pending its changeover. He will apply for PPL to Malta still and obviously won't get the licence issued until medical is resolved but are there any reasons he can't take the test?

In accordance with MED.A.030, provided student is not going solo, then they only need medical for licence application and subsequent exercising of privileges. Since it's initial issue anyway, the candidate would not have been to exercise any privileges until the licence was issued so I reckon it's all ok.

6th Jun 2024, 09:44
EASA regulation requires that candidate meet all the requirements for licence issue prior to attempting the Skill Test. Is this a French National Medical or a French issued EASA medical?

6th Jun 2024, 15:53
Why not contact Transport Malta and ask? [email protected]
Tel. +356 25555412
See: https://www.transport.gov.mt/aviation/personnel-licensing-642

6th Jun 2024, 22:01
i have done such combination of the tests many times. no issue at all.

Straighten Up
12th Jun 2024, 11:24
Thanks All for your responses. We had emailed Malta but at the time of my post hadn't received a response. The examiner who was carrying out the test, wanted the medical issued. I spoke to 2 senior examiners and got 2 different answers (1 that it's fine just needed for licence issue and 1 said that it can't be done as examiner has to confirm medical...)

In the end Malta responded to say that they were happy for the LST to be sat without the medical being issued, but just cautioned the LST only had 6 months validity so if it wasn't issued by then, then student would have to resit. Finally day before the LST medical was issued anyway!