View Full Version : F/A18 for QAM petition

2nd Jun 2024, 04:40
The Qld Air Museum is seeking to obtain a F/A18 Hornet for the Museum at Caloundra. A small number have been allocated to other museums but not to QAM which is disappointing as they have a good collection of previous RAAF fighters. They have raised a petition in an attempt to secure a Hornet for their collection. These aircraft will otherwise be dismantled and destroyed. Those wishing to sign this worthy petition should go to the web site listed below that closes on 12 June.


tail wheel
2nd Jun 2024, 18:46
A very worthy cause.

Please consider signing this Parliament House e-petition.

Similar thread opened in our Aviation History Forum (https://www.pprune.org/aviation-history-nostalgia/659615-f-a18-qam-petition.html).

Ascend Charlie
2nd Jun 2024, 19:22
Give one to QAM and the rest to Ukraine?