View Full Version : EU Visa Sponsorship

1st Jun 2024, 11:06
Does anyone know if there are any operators in EASA land who are looking for experienced pilots who DO NOT currently have the right to work in the EU? Essentially, has anyone heard of an employer out there who will sponsor you for a work visa like how some countries in other parts of the world do?

1st Jun 2024, 21:09
The problem is that there is no work visa for all of the EU. Every country has its own rules and schemes, and a work visa will only let you work in the country that issued your visa.

Only EU citizens have the right to live and work in all EU countries and within Schengen, it is for Schengen members. As far as I know, all EU airlines only hire people who can work in all of the EU.

2nd Jun 2024, 09:39
Wow, so there’s no cross-recognition of work visas between countries, or allowance of working for an airline “based” in the country of visa issue but momentarily abroad on an overnight? That seems like such an oversight in EU unification.

So essentially someone who isn’t a EU citizen would have to obtain visa rights similar to an EU citizen (eg via family reunification etc) to be able to work in the EU as an international pilot? Otherwise I suppose only seeking jobs that stay within the same country would be another way.

2nd Jun 2024, 14:40
If your motivation is to relocate in the European continent, I would suggest you to check jobs in the UK. Less complicated than EASA operators, still you will need to convert your license

2nd Jun 2024, 16:18
Wow, so there’s no cross-recognition of work visas between countries, or allowance of working for an airline “based” in the country of visa issue but momentarily abroad on an overnight? That seems like such an oversight in EU unification.

So essentially someone who isn’t a EU citizen would have to obtain visa rights similar to an EU citizen (eg via family reunification etc) to be able to work in the EU as an international pilot? Otherwise I suppose only seeking jobs that stay within the same country would be another way.

Of course you can night stop etc out of base as a non EU citizen on a WP/Visa - this is covered by the Schengen border code and the Chicago convention. You can also travel within the Schengen zone for no more than 90 out 180 days. The issue is getting that visa in the first place, and that for an airline like EZY or RYR you can only be based in the nation that sponsors your Visa - you can’t be moved around bases on the network like an EU citizen can.