View Full Version : Black men sue American Airlines for racial discrimination

1st Jun 2024, 04:28
Black men sue American Airlines for 'racial discrimination' (bbc.com) (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy66qy83z18o)

1st Jun 2024, 06:04
In this time of "hypersensitivity", some might initially think it is yet another case of that happening. However, once you actually read the many accounts of what happened, it is clear that something went very wrong on this flight.

On the face of it, there does appear to have been discrimination going on, 8 people, not sitting together, not known to each other prior to the flight and the only thing that linked them was the tone of their skin. If this is proven to be a skin tone issue then the CC involved needs urgent retraining or possibly needs to go find a different job since that sort of behaviour is unacceptable. Obviously there is nothing from AA in regard to available staff who could have replaced that CC on that specific flight as tbh he should have been replaced as it only compounded the issues on board once the pax reboarded. The atmosphere aboard the flight after reboarding would not have been pleasant with him still working on it, so replacing him would have been better if that was possible.

Had it been one pax, then you could believe it was perhaps a little bit of hypersensitivity, but 8 pax from different parts of the plane who did not know each other, that is something significantly more alarming. There is no place for discrimination of any kind and any shown is totally unacceptable and inexcusable. Should this lawsuit succeed it will cost AA a lot of money and rightly so, that CC was incorrect in their behaviour.

Regardless of industry when these cases crop up it seems to be the usual CEO wheeled out stating that the behaviour is against values and principles etc which is all nice and neat but obviously there is still an issue and companies need to start sorting the discrimination issues out properly and not just the skin tones but the disabilities, ageists and so on.

There is no place for any discrimination of any kind and companies need to stop the platitudes and start weeding these issues out.

1st Jun 2024, 13:13
WOW !! They've really poked a hornets' nest with this one.

6th Jun 2024, 22:02
AA strikes again ! Where do they get these employees ?
