View Full Version : Fear of Flying- Syd-

26th May 2024, 06:43
Hi, hope this post is allowed here

I'm from Sydney, I've traveled extensively in the past but I've unfortunately developed pretty severe anxiety over flying. Nothing logical about my fear- I know it's very safe.
I want to do some short flights to help me get over my fear but of course, in Australia it seems like the shortest flight is from Sydney to Canberra- still about an hour long.

Qantas used to do a fear of flying course that ended in a 10 min exposure flight, they've stopped since 2020. I desperately want to do something like that! I'd even settle for sitting in a plane whilst it's being taxied around the airport.
Please don't suggest a flight simulator as they don't elicit any fear from me- I know it's not a real plane so I'm not afraid of it

If any pilots know of anything- especially any companies that are thinking about doing a fear of flying course that includes an exposure flight I would be beyond grateful
Thankyou :)

Checklist Charlie
26th May 2024, 07:08
Contact the NSW section of the Australian Women Pilots Association. ( [email protected] ) They have facilitated "Fear of Flying" clinics in the past.


26th May 2024, 07:09
Have you thought about a trial lesson? You may find that helps to feel in control, keep busy and understand what's happening.

26th May 2024, 07:15
I have thought about a trial lesson before, but my understand is they are all on the smaller airplanes? I actually sent an email to a flight school inquiring about doing pilots lessons but they never got back to me.

26th May 2024, 11:39
Here's one resource. I have no connection to it, other than being a work colleague of JB, and don't know anyone who's done it however I have heard it has a reasonable success rate.
SimpliFly Pacific (https://jeremyburfoot.com/fear)

By George
27th May 2024, 00:35
Aviation Australia in Brisbane conducts Fear of Flying courses that include a ride in a 737 Sim. However if you live in Sydney that will mean a flight to Brisbane. (dangerous to drive that distance). Feel free to drop me a PM if I can help.
I don't recommend a flight in a light aircraft initially. My wife will not fly with me in a light aircraft but has no problems Airline flying.

27th May 2024, 02:38
My daughter developed a fear of flying following a hairy bus ride at night in the Andes. She had to take medication in order to be able to fly. Then after a few years, just as suddenly (?), the fear seems to have evaporated. So this is not necessarily a permanent thing.

27th May 2024, 03:50
Thankyou for this suggestion :) I have reached out to JB. If he does offer short flights in Sydney, I think it will be exactly what I'm looking for.