View Full Version : Avgas - ghana, ivory coast, lagos

23rd May 2024, 13:28
Hello everyone,

I am ferry flying a SR22 from South Africa to Europe nex month and my usual east side of Africa route thru Ethiopia is blocked because of a new requirement imposed by Ethiopian CAA of a minimun crossing FL190 thru their airspace. Last year we had another SR22 who did a west coast of Africa route with refueling at DGAA Accra, Ghana. But we were informed they donīt have Avgas there any more. Ivory Coast, ABidjan has Avgas at the Aeroclub, but they donīt sell it. Can any one point me towards a contact in Ghana, Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin or Lagos, Nigeria that can sell 2 drums of 200 l of avgas in one of these countries.

Safe flying !