View Full Version : The Jet Gun: Possible Air Defense Applications?

21st May 2024, 15:54
Original article posted on Geekwire.
U.S. Army awards $1.6M to Wave Motion for development of Jet Gun technology
Wave Motion CEO Finn van Donkelaar shows off a mortar-scale Jet Gun prototype. (Wave Motion Photo) | Story by Alan Boyle |

Everett, Wash.-based Wave Motion Launch Corp. (https://www.wavemotionlaunch.space/) has won a contract worth nearly $1.6 million from the U.S. Army to continue development of its Jet Gun technology.

Wave Motion’s Jet Gun concept involves firing a jet of supersonic gas to push a projectile to high speeds. Since there’s no physical structure or barrel surrounding the projectile, the system has the potential to be up to 100 times more compact than a rocket or conventional cannon of equivalent power. Also, the barrel-less launcher can handle projectiles in a variety of sizes — which gives the Jet Gun an advantage in logistically challenged environments where ammunition of a particular caliber isn’t available.

In a news release (https://www.wavemotionlaunch.space/updates/wave-motion-awarded-16-million-in-army-direct-to-phase-ii-sbir), Wave Motion says it will work with the Army’s DEVCOM Armaments Center to prototype and test a version of the Jet Gun that can be used in tactical indirect fire applications.

The contract, which is structured as a Direct to Phase II grant under the Army’s Small Business Innovative Research program, was awarded after Wave Motion was named a winner in the xTech Pacific competition.


In an email, Penna told GeekWire that the Army funding will be used “to hire on more staff and expand our manufacturing and production capabilities in support of this new contract.”

In 2022, the startup won a $1.3 million award for Jet Gun development from the Office of Naval Research. “We are still finishing the contract we had with the Office of Naval Research and can report that we’ve had successful tests occur under that project,” Penna said.

“Overall, Wave Motion is developing a more advanced version of the Jet Gun that creates longer jets using solid entrained particles to extend the acceleration path for projectiles to potentially hundreds of times the length of the launcher system,” he said. “We plan on prototyping a version of this ‘solid jet gun’ for a proof-of-concept for space launch applications.”

In addition to military and space applications, the technology could be used for industrial applications such as mining and drilling.

I am wondering if some of our more tech minded contributors envision seeing a role for a weapons like this versus drone or air targets.

21st May 2024, 16:01
It would be one hell of a way of lighting a cigarette but in the anti-drone context, I foresee a snag :eek:

21st May 2024, 16:51
Technology explanation: https://www.wavemotionlaunch.space/technology

21st May 2024, 16:54
A heat seeking missile will spoil your whole day..................

21st May 2024, 17:03
I suspect that very fine engineering tolerances in construction and operation would be required for accurate aiming. That would be less of a problem if terminal guidance were employed in the projectile. Interesting that they have launched a 15kg projectile.

21st May 2024, 18:07
It's a re-engineered popgun.

21st May 2024, 19:09
Its interesting but I feel a bit narked that they appear to copy their name from the Space Battleship Yamato's Wave Motion Gun :-)

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.projectrho.com%2Fpublic_html%2Frocket%2F images%2Fspacegunconvent%2FwaveMotionGun.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=559f2c59bd12b78bc568bd05b5d74f22124b2151412c5fe173134ab6 add2e42c&ipo=images