View Full Version : Did Investigation Board Hire based on......

21st May 2024, 02:08
things other than competence?

Watch this video and ask yourself how an accident report could be so incompetent.

Passenger Films Her Own TERRIFYING Plane Crash! (youtube.com)

Passenger Films Her Own TERRIFYING Plane Crash! (youtube.com) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nen9ZNZo2h4&t=2s)

21st May 2024, 03:39
Perhaps their budget has been cut.

You only have to read what passes for online news these days to see the effects of budget cuts

21st May 2024, 11:15
Perhaps their budget has been cut.

You only have to read what passes for online news these days to see the effects of budget cuts

Does cutting a budget prevent one from looking at a picture and video and wondering why a door is open?

Maybe hiring policies instead. Then you see the outcome. A danger to aviation. Imagine a technically difficult investigation for an airliner with global implications.

I remember reading an excellent South African accident report from a decade ago.

Hire the best for the job. Anything else is dangerous.

Dave Gittins
21st May 2024, 12:09
Making a wild guess, it doesn't seem like the guy had full power making another contributing factor.

21st May 2024, 12:25
. Imagine a technically difficult investigation for an airliner with global implications.

Would have input from other major bodies - manufacture, country of registration, certification, etc

21st May 2024, 14:31
Why should the report be of higher quality than the management of that flight? It seems like a perfect match. Shoddy flight planning vs shoddy accident reporting.

ATC Watcher
21st May 2024, 20:42
Well, this was not a commercial airliner flight. it is and SEP. VFR, no serious injuries. , even in my area you would not assign more than one person to the case, and probably junior. But such a botched report is interesting , knowing a bit Africa ( at least the French speaking part) I would look into the family ties of the pilot to maybe explain the conclusions. . :hmm:

22nd May 2024, 15:57
Notwithstanding this useless "accident report" How this guy managed to get his license in the first place!?
How on hell he thought that would be a good idea to tie down open a door on a strut? How anyone thought that would be a good idea?

I'm baffled :confused:

Pilot DAR
22nd May 2024, 17:52
Yeah, I really wondered when I saw what appeared to be the door open in the earlier portion of the video, no way could a pax hold it that far open! Density altitude was a factor, but the flight would have been safely doable, if the door was closed, or off! If that pilot wasn't "listening" to the airplane performance during the takeoff, he needs a lot more instruction! It may be hopeless at this point in his flying career!

As for the report, yeah, the investigator missed some vital facts to make the report of any use. But, as said, airplane wrecked, but no one hurt (points to Cessna cabin strength, yet again!) low resource applied to the investigation. But, someone in the investigation department should have at least given it a good proof read, for the sake of the image of the office! I have commented a number draft reports over the years, and usually pick up something worth a revision to the report. Once, I, and another colleague commented an error, the investigator did not fix it. The final report was issued, with the error, and the investigation board was required to revise and reissue the report with the error corrected - a little embarrassing, considering two of us have pointed it out before the report was released!

As for the 172, I would use 10 flap for any and every takeoff. It may lift off at the speed it's ready (I don't "rotate" a 172!), but I will be allowing it to accelerate to Vy, as soon as safely possible. If it's not lifting off on its own by 55 - 60 knots, I'll be considering an abort, and if I can't accelerate to Vy when I want to, I'll be thinking to act appropriately on an emergency situation.

23rd May 2024, 07:48
How this guy managed to get his license in the first place!?
And even a CPL...., this should be investigated as well (fake license??). A PPL and even a LAPL should/would know better... Acting in complete disregard of POH and checklist instructions.... Only the doors' windows can be safely opened in flight
How on hell he thought that would be a good idea to tie down open a door on a strut? How anyone thought that would be a good idea?
Putting in an (assymetric) 'speedbrake position', an airplane structure with a surface size 30% lager than the rudder, a size of some 60% of the fuselage cross section, .... is totally utterly beyond me. What's next .... taking off a 747F with the nosedoor open!!??

... he needs a lot more instruction! I think you're too gentle, a prosecution for criminal endangerment is needed here!

23rd May 2024, 12:23
Can someone post the video and a link to the report as I cannot see either.

23rd May 2024, 19:46
Can someone post the video and a link to the report as I cannot see either.

report: https://caasanwebsitestorage.blob.core.windows.net/accidents-and-incidents-report/10233.pdf
video: in YT search for: nen9ZNZo2h4 (in case you've still trouble using this link/clip from the opening post)