View Full Version : Beechcraft Super King Air Newcastle

16th May 2024, 21:55
Wheels-up landing that gripped the nation (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-16/air-traffic-controller-speaks-after-newcastle-plane-emergency/103855378). This is a quote from the good old ABC news service about a King Air that did a wheels up landing in Newcastle. According to the article the Air Traffic Controller " talked the pilot down " to a safe outcome. Now the ATC controller { RAAF } is a " hero " for helping save the lives of 3 people. No doubt she did a good job but the bull**** reporting almost makes me cringe.It is blown up out of all proportion to make it sound like a huge event which it was not.
Good work to the pilot and ATC but not heroic!!

17th May 2024, 11:03
That’s their ABC for ya. A abject waste of $1 billion a year.

18th May 2024, 01:27
That’s their ABC for ya. A abject waste of $1 billion a year.
Tell me one that is any better.

Every event with a non-horror outcome is populated with heroes.
You can't have too many superlatives in a news broadcast.
Just ask Donny.

18th May 2024, 08:00
Or you could try this one by comparison.
Much less sensational.
Boeing 747 makes emergency landing after engine catches fire | Watch (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/boeing-747-makes-emergency-landing-after-engine-catches-fire/vi-BB1myKo8?ocid=winp2fptaskbar&cvid=5a4042ed28064049d0150ebd33c15068&ei=7)

Fris B. Fairing
19th May 2024, 04:44
Wheels-up landing that gripped the nation (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-16/air-traffic-controller-speaks-after-newcastle-plane-emergency/103855378). This is a quote from the good old ABC news service about a King Air that did a wheels up landing in Newcastle. According to the article the Air Traffic Controller " talked the pilot down " to a safe outcome. Now the ATC controller { RAAF } is a " hero " for helping save the lives of 3 people. No doubt she did a good job but the bull**** reporting almost makes me cringe.It is blown up out of all proportion to make it sound like a huge event which it was not.
Good work to the pilot and ATC but not heroic!!

The pilot was interviewed on Nine's Today show and his first comment was; "I think you're overselling it."

21st May 2024, 12:18
Exactly, ATC and pilot both did their job - a good job too.

Trevor the lover
23rd May 2024, 07:48
I liked channel 7's reporting of the SQ turbulence. "The plane plunged 6,000 feet in a matter of minutes."