View Full Version : Fatal accident ENJJPT

14th May 2024, 16:18
RIP / Blue skies

https://scontent-man2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/436349521_833223422167322_3777729490837559846_n.jpg?_nc_cat= 102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=xtAGMqfljGYQ7kNvgENM64u&_nc_ht=scontent-man2-1.xx&oh=00_AYBDQTWR5_Ah6NjcOQ-UQYw3LBg0iEr4b4T4hDxLNQr5bA&oe=664978AC

15th May 2024, 09:52
The pilot has been identified, the family are in my thoughts and prayers.

82TRW/PA Press Release
The Air Force identified the instructor pilot who died early this morning from injuries sustained May 13 as Capt. John Robertson of the 80th Operations Support Squadron.
Captain Robertson was severely injured when the ejection seat of the T-6A Texan II aircraft he was in activated during ground operations.
"This is a devastating loss for Captain Robertson's family and loved ones, and for the entire 80th Flying Training Wing," said Col. Mitchell J. Cok, the acting wing commander. "Captain Robertson was a highly valued Airman and instructor pilot. Our deepest condolences go with all who knew and loved him."
Cok also expressed gratitude for those who responded to the incident.
"We are thankful for the M1 maintenance team who immediately provided live-sustaining care, and for the heroic efforts of the security forces, fire and medical personnel here on base and at United Regional Hospital. Their efforts allowed time for Captain Robertson's family to be at his side when he passed."
An interim safety board investigation was convened immediately following the incident, and a full Air Force Safety Investigation Board is expected to be in place later this week. The board will release its report when the investigation is complete.