View Full Version : UK CAA - Oz CASA licencing conversions

13th May 2024, 16:12
I'm trying to figure out the best course of action for the situation I find myself in. I am a 23 yr old UK/Oz citizen and holder of PPL SEP licence under both aviation authorities (having achieved UK CAA PPL Sep 2022 and converted to CASA early 2024). I am planning to move from the UK to Victoria to undergo my CPL training end of August this year. My UK SEP rating is due to expire end of September this year. Am I required to complete 12 hours in the UK to stay current for both licences or can I just let my CAA PPL expire and renew it as a CPL once I have completed my CASA CPL?

I would like to fly some more in the UK but it is more expensive than Australia and not the type of flying environment I wish to gain experience in. I'm looking to get into GA bush flying.

Also if anyone familiar with Victoria has any recommendations/wisdom about the area (thoughts on Gippsland?) and Part 61 intensive flight schools would love to hear any and all of your experiences.


13th May 2024, 23:27
In my humble opinion you are better to train in the UK , go straight to a jet and get 1000 hrs on type then move to Aussie. Yeah, bush flying might row your boat for a year or two but as soon as you have any sort of personal responsibilities (Mrs, kids, mortgage) you will want/need to move on. Just my 2 pence from a jaded and faded pilot.

Clare Prop
14th May 2024, 15:11
You don't need to do any hours to keep your licence current here, just a flight review every two years to exercise the privileges and I am presuming that hours you do here would count towards a Certificate of Experience there (if there is still such a thing?)

My advice would be to build up to say a total of 175 hours here, get as much command time as you can, then decide if you want to stay here or fly in the UK. You should be able to do a modular course over there if you decide to go back. It's been a while since I was instructing there so things may be different now

You don't need to do a "CPL course" here, just have the required hours and then whatever training is required to ensure you have the competencies required for the CPL test. Competencies that aren't any different to PPL but just with tighter tolerances.

If you want to do bush flying there is always work in aerial survey. As they have just announced that the govt is planning to map the entire country I'd say that could be a big growth area in aviation and a lot of people who do airline style integrated courses wouldn't really be suited for that kind of work. PM me if you want more info.