View Full Version : Tower Bridge

Stuck On The Ground
12th May 2024, 20:44
Apparently it’s now acceptable to fly through Tower Beidge


12th May 2024, 20:51
Apparently it’s now acceptable to fly through Tower Beidge

Apparently, you missed the comment in the article that the bridge was Closed for this special event.

12th May 2024, 21:14
I had no idea these things could fly horizontal never mind climb! 😮

12th May 2024, 22:02
It’s basically a glider with a rotten glide angle but trade enough speed and you can get away with it for a short while. A loop might be pushing it though, but they have been landed in water without resorting to the parachute,

12th May 2024, 22:08
A first for Marco Furst! (Reportedly he has a less intrepid brother, Hugo).

13th May 2024, 03:40
Video from Red Bulls YouTube channel https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sNEwYPa7yok

13th May 2024, 08:59
Seem to recall it was done a wee bit faster in 1968.........

https://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/600x600/tower_bridge_hunter_web_3_29450150159b8da6b4e709102ef8e5e854 881890.jpg

Dr Jekyll
13th May 2024, 09:53
...and several times with a helicopter in 2012

13th May 2024, 10:53
And Chris Draper took a Puss Moth through or under it in the 1930s (and most of the other Thames Bridges in an Auster in the 1950s)...

13th May 2024, 21:03
These wing suits do look like fun… if only I knew how to skydive in the first place.

14th May 2024, 14:26
These wing suits do look like fun… if only I knew how to skydive in the first place.
The 'dive' bit is quite easy, it's the landing which might cause a problem.

India Four Two
15th May 2024, 03:56
How on earth did they get approval for that stunt?

16th May 2024, 06:44
How on earth did they get approval for that stunt?
Khan will do anything for publicity even though it costs council tax payers lots of money; he doesn't care; it's not his money.

16th May 2024, 09:11
Not my province, being a country bumpkin, but why should this event cost the council-taxpayers? And isn't all publicity good?

Geezers of Nazareth
18th May 2024, 13:26
And Chris Draper took a Puss Moth through or under it in the 1930s (and most of the other Thames Bridges in an Auster in the 1950s)...

There were at least 10 other 'through' flights since 1945. I don't have my notes with me now, but I did compile a list a few years ago. There were quite a few more between WWI and WWII.

Squipdit Fashions
24th May 2024, 08:34
Major Thomas Orde-Lees parachuted FROM it - also, as part of a publicity stunt - in 1917.
In a bid to persuade the RFC to adopt Edmund Calthrop's 'Guardian Angel' static-line parachute for aircraft use.

Ok, ok, maybe not as spectacular as the Red Bull wing suit team, but his parachute opening height was actually lower.....

18th Jun 2024, 15:49
Pobjoy was have his 'tea break' by the Thames near the house of Commons when Alan went past (he buzzed a couple of buildings on the way)
He had taken off from Tangmere but left the NO 1 Squadron formation after departure back to their home base.
This was his protest that the RAF were not celebrating its 50th anniversary properly. Ended his RAF flying, but the event is still remembered as it was not usual for a Fighter to go down the Thames at that very low height with the associated noise.