View Full Version : Database and map of small airports for general aviation?

12th May 2024, 17:54
Hello everyone, I am new here but very excited to ask the community. I'm diving into PPL studies soon, hoping to get my license to be able to rent aircraft and fly places before I can buy my own girl. I was wondering if there is a trusted source for GA's small airports with all specifications, air zones, landing fees, any useful information, not necessary NOTAM/METAR, but to check routes and plan trips in advance. Where do you normally get the best recommendations of privately-held airfields? Especially if it's flying into other countries (in case if any EU-based members read this).

I though I had decent googling skills, but all the results were extremely limited in use (ex. a map with a pin, airport code, city).

Thank you in advance!

13th May 2024, 07:26
Every country has an Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) which is responsible for making available the information you are looking for. The AIP publishes aerodrome data, information about charges, charts, and NOTAMs amongst other things. Some countries' are easier to access than others, with some being openly available and other requiring an account to access. If you google the country name plus AIP you'll tend to find them.

For enroute charts you can't normally purchase them directly from the AIP, but the local flying club/flight school should have them available. Most PPLs have moved on from paper charts to the likes of SkyDemon or ForeFlight for their enroute navigation, which gives you all of the aforementioned information overlayed on a nice moving map display -- very handy.

galaxy flyer
13th May 2024, 15:23
Yes, get a ForeFlight subscription, but I’ll be the “old guy” and tell you to learn using paper chart and plotting tools. You need to do so to really learn navigation and not be dependent on an iPad.

Then, you’ll know why True Virgins Make Dull Company.

15th May 2024, 06:34
Every country has an Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) which is responsible for making available the information you are looking for. The AIP publishes aerodrome data, information about charges, charts, and NOTAMs amongst other things. Some countries' are easier to access than others, with some being openly available and other requiring an account to access. If you google the country name plus AIP you'll tend to find them.

For enroute charts you can't normally purchase them directly from the AIP, but the local flying club/flight school should have them available. Most PPLs have moved on from paper charts to the likes of SkyDemon or ForeFlight for their enroute navigation, which gives you all of the aforementioned information overlayed on a nice moving map display -- very handy.
Thank you very much, that's very helpful :ok:
But what would be your flow for checking the landing fees and overnight parking availability, for instance? That cannot be done through ForeFlight, I understand?

15th May 2024, 06:41
Yes, get a ForeFlight subscription, but I’ll be the “old guy” and tell you to learn using paper chart and plotting tools. You need to do so to really learn navigation and not be dependent on an iPad.

Then, you’ll know why True Virgins Make Dull Company.
I agree with you fully. As an employee of the tech industry for 10 years, I know what it costs to maintain bug-free software, so relying on it in critical operations with no backup, no thank you ;)

15th May 2024, 13:38
Have a look at AIRMATE ? Préparation et suivi de vols (http://www.airmate.aero/index.php?&lang=en)

Designed by a nice, brilliant entrepreneur (and pilot)."The Free & Social Flight App"
Good luck!

15th May 2024, 16:29
Designed by a nice, brilliant entrepreneur (and pilot)."The Free & Social Flight App"
Good luck!

Luc Lion
15th May 2024, 17:21
overnight parking availability,
Take your phone and call the airport.
Anything else is unreliable.

15th May 2024, 17:31
Have you tried flightmapper.io? their airports database has a broad list of airports in every country

18th May 2024, 07:58
Every country has an Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) which is responsible for making available the information you are looking for. The AIP publishes aerodrome data, information about charges
All the places where you may land with a small aircraft or a microlight are not necessarily in the AIP
Each country in Europe has its own regulation as to where you may land. So wherever you fly, make sure you get the good info if you want to get the most of your license.

Yes, get a ForeFlight subscription, but I’ll be the “old guy” and tell you to learn using paper chart and plotting tools. You need to do so to really learn navigation and not be dependent on an iPad..
There won't be the last forbidden zones on your charts, they will be on your iPad. So have an iPad, and spend enough time on the ground to learn how to use it.