View Full Version : $13.4m for 21 remote aerodrome projects

10th May 2024, 00:53
Media release with list of aerodrome projects: https://minister.infrastructure.gov.au/chisholm/media-release/21-new-remote-airstrip-projects-set-take-flight21 new remote airstrip projects set to take flightThe Federal Government is delivering $13.4 million to improve the safety and accessibility of airstrips across remote Australia.

Delivered under Round 10 of the Remote Airstrip Upgrade Program (RAUP), airstrips across remote areas of the Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland and New South Wales will receive grants of between $5,000 and $3 million to complete upgrades by 2026.

Many of the successful applicants manage airstrips which service remote First Nations communities, aiding their access to vital services and supplies.

Remote airstrips and certified aerodromes, also provide remote communities with critical access to urgent supplies, life-saving medical flights and to family, friends and services in larger towns.

This latest funding will allow the operators to deliver priority safety and access works including runway resurfacing, fencing, lighting and drainage works.

The installation of new lighting will allow aircraft, including emergency service flights, to land at night. While upgraded fencing will prevent animals from entering airstrips and causing damage or creating a safety hazard.

Given the recent spate of heavy rainfall in remote Australia, crucial upgrades to drainage will also prevent airstrip surfaces from flooding and eroding, and runway resurfacing will ensure air operators can land safely – without damaging their aircraft.

Round 10 of the RAUP brings the Australian Government’s total funding through the program to over $115 million, delivering 470 projects nationwide. A list of successful projects, and further information on the program can be accessed here (https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/infrastructure-transport-vehicles/aviation/regional-remote-aviation/remote-airstrip-upgrade).

Pinky the pilot
10th May 2024, 10:56
Many of the successful applicants manage airstrips which service remote First Nations communities,

(My bolding added)

An admittedly cynical side of me would change the word 'many' to 'All.'

However, I remain to be convinced that any of the promised funds will ever materialise anywhere!

10th May 2024, 13:13
(My bolding added)
However, I remain to be convinced that any of the promised funds will ever materialise anywhere!

They will, maybe a grader here, solar lighting there and much work ($) for the appropriate management

Desert Flower
10th May 2024, 22:28
Ugh, there are those words again "First Nations". Makes my blood boil! :mad:


Pinky the pilot
11th May 2024, 08:02
Ugh, there are those words again "First Nations". Makes my blood boil!

Precisely! The 500 or so Tribes that inhabited the Continent now known as Australia could not fit the definition of a "Nation' as it is generally accepted.

BTW, how are ya DR? Still miss the Fruitcake and Minties?:D:sad:

Desert Flower
11th May 2024, 08:54
Precisely! The 500 or so Tribes that inhabited the Continent now known as Australia could not fit the definition of a "Nation' as it is generally accepted.

BTW, how are ya DR? Still miss the Fruitcake and Minties?:D:sad:

It's a term they borrowed from somewhere else to make themselves feel more important - & like all the rest of their crap, it's being believed by the masses.

Yep, I still miss those days. I haven't had fruitcake & minties in ages. Must get some next time I go shopping!


Clare Prop
11th May 2024, 09:20
That would be enough for about 10% of one runway.

11th May 2024, 09:26
So, if the community have raised 90% of their finance, then now they’re golden, and can get on with it. :D

20th May 2024, 23:19
I thought I'd add this here rather than start a new thread. Media release from the fed govt: https://minister.infrastructure.gov.au/chisholm/media-release/keeping-remote-queensland-connectedKeeping remote Queensland connectedThe Albanese Government is keeping remote Queensland communities connected, with seven airstrips in the state set to receive funding under Round 10 of the Remote Airstrip Upgrade Program.

Assistant Minister for Regional Development, Anthony Chisholm will visit the Woorabinda Airstrip in Central Queensland today to highlight what this funding will mean for communities, in addition to the Budget boost to make even more funding available for regional and remote aviation.

The seven Queensland projects are sharing in $13.4 million in new grants awarded under Round 10 to improve the safety and accessibility of airstrips across remote Australia.

This includes the Lockhart River and Injune airstrips, which have secured funding for critical lighting upgrades, while Kowanyama Airport will receive support for essential runway works.

The Aurukun Aerodrome will also receive funding for a new weather information service system to support planes to more safely leave and land during hazardous weather events, while the Woorabinda Airstrip will install an upgraded runway surface, along with new line markings and lighting.

In further good news for remote communities, the 2024-25 Budget extended this highly successful program with an additional $50 million set aside to improve the safety of even more aerodromes, and include upgrades that will bolster accessibility for people with a disability.

Regional airports also secured much-needed funding in last week’s Budget, with the Regional Airports Program also extended with an additional $40 million to invest in more critical safety and accessibility upgrades.

This program has also been expanded, to now fund infrastructure required for the net zero transition, such as electric chargers or hydrogen storage facilities.