View Full Version : Cleared to line up and takeoff runway

7th May 2024, 12:00
Hello chaps,

I am noticing a more growing trend in ATC (usually across Europe) saying "cleared to line up and takeoff runway XX".

Maybe I am just being ignorant but I am sure the rules state:

"Line up and wait" and "Cleared for takeoff".

This can create some initial confusion when you hear "cleared to line up and takeoff".

Also the word "cleared" should only be used when giving clearance for takeoff?

9th May 2024, 22:04
I have heard that "it is allowed" to combine 2 or more clearences in one message as long as it is not confusing. ( whatever that means).

In that particular case:
Clear to enter runway 14, line up, wind 240/ 2 kmots, clear for take off. ( providing that crew reported that they are ready for departure- and I asked it to report when giving taxi clearence to HP, and there are no other traffic or meteo constrains )

So far I haven't received any bad feedback by pilots in the context of such message.

I have no any official refference for this type of combined instructions.

10th May 2024, 05:08
I have heard that "it is allowed" to combine 2 or more clearences in one message as long as it is not confusing. ( whatever that means).

In that particular case:
Clear to enter runway 14, line up, wind 240/ 2 kmots, clear for take off. ( providing that crew reported that they are ready for departure- and I asked it to report when giving taxi clearence to HP, and there are no other traffic or meteo constrains )

So far I haven't received any bad feedback by pilots in the context of such message.

I have no any official refference for this type of combined instructions.
What information does "Clear to enter" or "line up" add, that is missing or unclear or lacking in any way from "cleared for takeoff?"

10th May 2024, 09:39
Good question, Vessbot !

13th May 2024, 19:08
At Leeds Bradford - EGNM - some years ago, one now-retired ATCO frequently issued this 'double clearance'. Said controller was the only one who did this AFAIK and I haven't heard it from anyone else since, at least not round here.

14th May 2024, 13:46
On two occasions today aircraft were cleared for takeoff from the holding point, the read back was “cleared to line up and takeoff”.

15th May 2024, 06:38
I know that people say it, but the point is that it is unnecessary; & as far as I am concerned, does not achieve anything.

15th May 2024, 18:47
Some 25 years ago runway incursions were picked up as an increasing problem and work was done, initially in Europe, on an action plan to prevent these incidents from happening. Amongst the things that the plan said was that any clearance to enter or cross a runway must be explicit and include the runway designator. ICAO later produced a global plan which (I’m pretty sure) included the same provision. Ultimately, it’s up to the individual state whether they include it in the national procedures but many do/did. That’s the reason for issuing both clearances explicitly.

15th May 2024, 19:58
Some 25 years ago runway incursions were picked up as an increasing problem and work was done, initially in Europe, on an action plan to prevent these incidents from happening. Amongst the things that the plan said was that any clearance to enter or cross a runway must be explicit and include the runway designator. ICAO later produced a global plan which (I’m pretty sure) included the same provision. Ultimately, it’s up to the individual state whether they include it in the national procedures but many do/did. That’s the reason for issuing both clearances explicitly.

Maybe you're talking about this: https://www.icao.int/safety/RunwaySafety/Documents%20and%20Toolkits/ICAO_manual_prev_RI.pdf

4.3.2 A requirement to obtain an explicit clearance to cross any runway should be included in the flight deck procedures. This includes runways not in use.
4.5.6 It should be ensured that ATC procedures contain a requirement to issue an explicit clearance including the runway designator when authorizing a runway crossing or to hold short of any runway. This includes runways not in use.
4.6 When a taxi clearance contains a taxi limit beyond a runway, it shall contain an explicit clearance to cross that runway, or an instruction to hold short, even if the runway is not in use.
6.3.7 When a clearance to taxi to a point beyond a runway is received, it must include the authorization to cross that runway. A runway should never be crossed unless an explicit ATC clearance has been received.
4.2 When a taxi clearance contains a taxi limit beyond a runway, it must contain an explicit clearance to cross that runway, even if the runway is not in use. Where an expected or anticipated runway crossing is required, a means of communicating this to the pilots, at the gate or prior to descent, should be established.

A take-off clearance is itself explicit, since you are entering that same runway, and not implicitly crossing it to get somewhere else. The phraseology does not include a line up clearance along with the takeoff clearance:

It only sows confusion and ambiguity.