View Full Version : Swedish 6th Gen Fighter

7th May 2024, 06:52
Sweden back to the drawing board and, with the timescale discussed, no possibility of a new fighter until the mid-2040s or later.

Lots more in the full article, but mainly speculation.


Sweden goes back to the drawing board for a next-gen warplane

MILAN — Amid a rush within NATO to rally around next-generation combat aircraft, new alliance member Sweden is taking a pause to assess what’s next for its lineage as a warplane-producing country.

The Nordic state in 2022 suspended its flirtation with one of Europe’s two marquee airpower efforts, the Global Combat Air Programme, an initiative led by the U.K., Italy and Japan that seeks to deliver a sixth-generation fighter capability by 2035.

Fast forward to today, and Sweden’s industrial champion Saab is freshly under contract with the Ministry of Defense’s equipment branch, dubbed FMV, to conduct “conceptual studies” on future fighter systems — military jargon for starting at square one….

At this point, the studies under contract with the defense ministry are meant to illuminate the trade space in which Swedish leaders will make decisions later on. Focus areas include technology analysis, partnership opportunities, logistics and industrial implications, as well as digital and physical testing of capabilities, according Nilsson….

“Nothing has been decided yet and won’t be decided until at the very least the beginning of the next decade,” Wikman said. “No matter the direction we opt to go in, Swedish industry will always be involved.”……

8th May 2024, 02:08
As neither mod nor admin:
This has the appearance of vaporware, but let us hope that their looking at longer time horizons will pay off.

8th May 2024, 04:38
For a country with only 10.6 million inhabitants I'm always surprised at how they can support the developement of fighters, we have over double the population and all we can do is dig holes in the ground. Anyone want to buy a hole? ;)

8th May 2024, 06:40
And of course for many many years they never exported any either.

I think they focus on exactly what they need, don't add missions/nice to have kit during development and stay laser focussed on production on time. Looking back it's very interesting how few (reactively) issues they've had in developing some pretty cutting edge kit.

Doors Off
8th May 2024, 22:58
For a country with only 10.6 million inhabitants I'm always surprised at how they can support the developement of fighters, we have over double the population and all we can do is dig holes in the ground. Anyone want to buy a hole? ;)

Hey, don’t forget that we know how to falsely inflate real estate mate. Holes and Houses, that’s us😔

10th May 2024, 17:11
The Swedes will doubtless come up with a fascinating design, given their history. Looking forward to seeing it.

Video Mixdown
10th May 2024, 18:00
The Swedes will doubtless come up with a fascinating design, given their history. Looking forward to seeing it.
They will come up with an airframe that looks nearly identical to all the other 6th gen designs being mooted. It's computers that determine their combat effectiveness, not aerodynamics.

11th May 2024, 02:07
For a country with only 10.6 million inhabitants I'm always surprised at how they can support the developement of fighters, we have over double the population and all we can do is dig holes in the ground. Anyone want to buy a hole?

They also have a large number of billionaires. They also only have one level of government AFAIK and seeing as per capita seems to be the yardstick by which countries are measured for a whole range of things, what is the population density per square mile. At the end of the day would you rather live in a country that digs holes for sovereign wealth or one that has an out of control dictator as a neighbour but can build its own fighters?

11th May 2024, 02:47
Don't want to end up living in the bottom of a hole Lookleft ;), with missiles these days it matters not how close your country is to the out of control dictator, have visited all the Nordic countries, and Tallinn capital of Estonia, all absolutely beautiful. Not about to leave God's own though, just yet at least.And of course for many many years they never exported any eitherGranted their sales have not been of the magnitude of others, have seen the Thai Gripens in Oz during exercises.


11th May 2024, 04:04
The Draken was sold to a few countries.

The Viggen was designed for no flare landings. Dispersal and easy maintenance have always been high priorities for the Swedes. No long runways, no complex maintenance set up, no problem.
